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What is the Arc Client?
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justtray25 Arc User



  • Im sure the premade elitists and trolls will be back here any moment to apologize for being objectively wrong that the instance was not bugged.... Theres nothing worse in MMOs than nerds who feel like everyone in PUGS should be as genius as they are in perfect gear while peeing in bottles in their parents basement playing…
  • The fact that you think your advice is somehow legitimate tells me everything I need to know about you as a person. "Hey guys just don't bring cruisers or anything that does AOE damage to an instance, it's working perfectly fine!" Herp a derp. You must be a Rhodes Scholar.
  • Finally a player who actually has experience and explains the issue speaks up. The only people who 'like' the way it is right now; 1. haven't played it or have gotten no spawns and don't understand what's happening, 2. trolls. I'm not going to engage the trolls anymore, I strongly suggest they do some self reflection and…
  • Jesus we got two internet tough guys in this thread. Can you two just go get a room or something. There's always some douchebags like you who don't understand balance or anything, and are fully geared and want to fish for compliments that aren't coming. The instance is obviously broken. No one is arguing it can't be beat.…
  • Can we please get a hotfix on this like right now and extend the duration? This is one of the most broken things ive ever seen, how did this go live? On my screen now are no less than 100 ships, so many that they camp the spawn and people can't even fly past them before they die. And this is on the normal setting