I dunno what is going on but this bugs are really runing the game. First the october dirtex bug and now this, it sucks, they just give us reasons for quiting the game.
Yes it is not a A2B beam build it's and exotic torp build I don't know why that matters. I only used the T5 ship as refrence to show the difference between the T5 an d T6 hud. The T5 build is irrelevant.
I am not really sure what the problem is here, I use A2B disruptor energy beam build with the nusicaan 3 piece which I inted to sawp after I get my spiral wave disruptors. So I don't know where is the problem with my build.
Well sure not sure how to move it tough. I just want to add something upon cheking some stuff ingame I got my default ui back it was a resolution problem. I'm suprised how no one tought of that, how something so simple can mess things up. We would made poor engi and sci officers but anyways upon switching the to the right…
Well I am playing for a year, and for a year I had one line just like on the T5 not sure why it changed now... But that's how it was anyways ty for the feedback.
I have made the screenshots wish I could have made the hud screenshots aswell. The first picture is the Lukari T5 scout ship with the Default UI. This was the default ui for All ships regardless of tier, the next picture show my T6 Arbiter with the new ui. I want my default ui back on All ships. https://imgur.com/Ww9Rcv5…
Resizeing the hud does not help. I don't know how to make it more clear, insted of one horizontal bar I have two there you have it. I can not be more clear without a screenshot or something.