Interesting. Did you know that Bluesky has no "algorithm" to determine what you see, unlike Xitter which shoves the corporate-approved viewpoint down your throat? Consider the possibility that you're so accustomed to social-media sites promoting far-right views that normal people now sound to you like "a far left echo…
Looks like The Orville is owned by 20th Television (not known for playing well with others in the first place) and Fuzzy Door Productions, with Hulu owning the broadcasting rights, so no, we're not going to see ships from that show in this game any more than we're ever going to Disney Planet. Sorry.
Given that the Achilles is designated as a Fed ship, flying it as a D7 would be more than a "reskin" - there are faction tags built into its very being. Other hand, I'm fully behind reboxing a character-bound ship as an account-bound transfer (I get why they don't want them going on the Exchange, but "bound to account" is…
According to Memory Alpha, the USS Farragut mentioned in the '09 movie (Uhura was going to be assigned there, but cadged a favor from Spock for reassignment to the Enterprise) was a station-sized craft. I'm not sufficiently invested in this to go watch that movie again just to see. (The second one was pretty terrible, but…
Where was the Farragut ever shown as a Connie? Just checked over at Memory Alpha, in case there was a TOS episode that slipped my mind, and in canon it's been a Bellerophon-class, a Nebula-class, an Excelsior-class, and apparently in the Kelvin timeline a sort of mobile space station, but it's never been referenced…
Not to mention "I never go to that subforum/read that thread, how was I supposed to know?" Other hand, bmr, please let Sunna know that most of us don't bite very hard, and we'd really appreciate it if she could bring her comms in here.
Or, y'know, rather than shut casuals out of Events, we could tell some folks to stop griping and be happy their Event ended quickly, freeing them back up to go play the rest of the game. And anyone who wants to have the Advanced or Elite experience can go run the TFO on those settings afterward.
Nor have I seen anyone trying to run, say, the Event version of Kobayashi Maru in a shuttle. I've done it in one of the Eleos-style, but it's a T6-X as kitted out as I can manage. Now, in today's run someone was virtually melting the enemy ships as they came in (the Maru actually finished with full health!), and my…
And put up with "they ruuuuined my favorite character!!11!" for the next two years? No, thanks! After some consideration, I strongly suspect that this was intended as a 1-hour pilot for a series, and was padded out to be a "movie" when the series wasn't greenlit. It would have benefited enormously from some tightening up.
Nobody paid attention to the news forum, 'cause it's all the way up there. So a thread was created to give a brief mention and a link to news about the game. But nobody paid attention to it, 'cause it's all the way at the top of the stickied threads in this forum. So this thread was created, but there are probably still…
Poor cinematography during the tunnel fight scene (it became, for a while, very difficult to tell who was punching whom), and the writing kind of fell apart in the final act, but overall, it wasn't nearly as rough as, say, season 1 of TNG. Not bad as a setup; don't know if they're going to make more, but I thought it…
It's weird - I had a trait wipe the first day, fixed them, and never lost them again. Today I ran a toon that I hadn't touched in almost a year, and his traits were just fine. Could there be an issue with your client?
After their last big Crisis, DC Comics had a council of Supermen and Misters Terrific mapping out the new multiverse. There were literally infinite worlds, and three separate and distinct Earth Primes. It's also similar to how Sector General, in James White's stories, requires any approaching ambulance to state the…
In fact, Hugh's death in the Prime timeline was due to events that never happened in the STO timeline - Prime, for instance, doesn't seem to have a Borg Cooperative like ours, as the xBs were working with a disconnected Cube that the Cooperative wasn't involved with. Also, we don't have a group hunting down cyborgs to…
It's not that it wasn't "well-maintained" - it's that it never worked right in the first place. The very first time I tried using it, the second wave of enemies on the groundside mission spawned underground. They could shoot me, but I couldn't target them at all. After that it was hit-or-miss - then there were the fun…
The ship pictured in the blog is a Pathfinder-class, designed as an upgrade from the original Intrepid platform. You can certainly put an Intrepid skin on it, if you're so inclined - I find the older class more visually pleasing than the Pathfinder, but that's just me. Incidentally, folks, looks like this is now planned to…
Typically, you can only claim such an item once; after it's unpacked, it becomes available for reclaim by any of your other toons. I'd assume that's how this works too - the entire thing is available in a single package from the Promotions tab, then the toon who claimed it opens the package, and then your others can go get…
Yeah, one of the reasons the Enterprise was in drydock was because the holosystems that were standard on most Starfleet ships were interfering with the Constitution-class's more sensitive sensors. They tried a number of workarounds, before Pike ordered that the holosystems all be removed.
Okay, finally got around to finishing LD. What Midnight's Edge failed to take into account was that at the end of "Fissure Quest", William Boimler directed all of the erupting quantum-fissure energy into his home universe, confident that the Cerritos crew could handle the problem. When the energy wave struck that Klingon…
Are you playing every single toon every day?? Because I've got a bunch of toons who can wait until I feel like fixing them. I'm not playing them right now.