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johnwatson71 Arc User



  • I'm just so terribly excited for this ship. I have the zen and a fleet module at the ready lol. Already picked out names, my captain is ready. And I'm ready to have some fun with this ship, even if it ends up not being very practical. IDEC. I'm just so excited for this beauty.
  • Seconded! Happy thanksgiving!
  • In principle I agree with you. but I also respect the devs. And respect that they will make decisions that we won't all love because that right there is life. but think, if there was a 3 pack, everyone would fly tac. the other two would be there for what reason? They wanted this to be a sci oriented ship. There is nothing…
  • Exactly. Because greed is a thing that exists. You give em something, they'll just want more and more and basically never be satisfied. I'm sure, like beyond a doubt that the devs knew these wep/console and boff layouts would not please everyone. Because you can't please everyone, because someone or some people will ALWAYS…
  • agreed, that would put lower tier players at a serious disadvantage when trying to do their queues and stf's if higher tier players can just kick anyone on a petty whim.
  • thanks for clearing it up. Even if not actual size you have made a beautiful ship sir. And I can't wait to fly her.
  • EDIT: saw the dev comment after i made mine. so nvm lol
  • people just can't accept that this ship was chosen to be a sci oriented ship and not another tac boat, of which there are more than enough. Ones that can ever out perform this one as so many have said. So why tac ppl are complaining when they supposedly have ships that are already better, is beyond me. If you have better…
  • the problem with letting players vote for 2 and 3 is that the community would no doubt abuse that to create something terribly OP that would eventually be changed anyway. I mean look what everyone is asking for. People want this to be a super special awesome god like war carrier with super tactical abilities and a turn…
  • If they wanted us to vote on boff seating and consoles, then we would have during this thing. Obviously they didn't, because they had their own ideas for this ship. What they should have done was tell us clearly, in no uncertain terms, that our only part was to vote for the outside aesthetic design. That would have solved…
  • they could have released it with tuesday maint, but didn't. so there will either be a special weekend patch, or Dec. 3rd seems to be likely, which conveniently is probably when the winter event will start.
  • no there is currently no news about KDF or Roms getting new ships. Trendy is trying to work with the devs to make this happen. And just to skip over any uncertainty, it will mostly likely NOT be a fast process.
  • This is honestly so entertaining. this is a VIDEO GAME. None of the stuff in the game is real. It is fictional. Imaginary. Virtual. And this how y'all react to something that doesn't even exist unless your computer is turned on? That is just...sad. Like bordering on unhealthy, neurotic obsession with a space ship that…
  • this is gonna be me when the Jupiter finally arrives (note: i had no idea about the jupiter before this contest XD)
  • Which would be the case if Zen were not the most desirable/valuable game currency, which it is, which makes spending real $$$ the most efficient and desirable method of obtaining it, which is what Cryptic needs. As a F2P game, they need spending $$$ for Zen to be the most appealing (i.e. easy and fast) option. Plus, we…
  • "U.F.S." ("United Federation Starship") would have been an awesome (and less american centric) prefix. Especially since you could use it on any ship that's part of the Federation. Even Janeway often hailed Voyager as a "federation starship" a lot of the time. I don't recall her often saying U.S.S. So U.F.P. wouldn't be…
  • being able to trade EC (which there is too much of right now in game as is) for dil (or vice versa) would absolutely destroy income for cryptic. EC is so easy to get in mass quantities. If everyone could do that, then no one would actually need to buy zen with real money. Because they amass EC, trade for dil and then sell…
  • The official length of the Jupiter is 1466 meters long. https://twitter.com/STO_JamJamz/status/667823091024707586 Odyssey is about 1000 meters long. so yeah its larger than the Odyssey.
  • Quite simply? Because it doesn't have to. People don't have to like the answer, but that is the answer.
  • This $40 is burning a whole in my pocket. I am so ready. Obviously not thursday because of the holiday. So I'm guessing December 3rd (the next patch thursday)?
  • I pretty much name my ships after things I love. I once had my ships named after the 12 Colonies from BSG. And right now I have a theme going where my ships are named after the ES's/ships from Xenosaga III It just gives me a lil nostalgic feeling, also some names are just aesthetically pleasing.
  • lol are they supposed to? because i get hit by them and fly through them all the time and nothing ever happens to me XD I always thought it was odd that a giant fire tornado would not damage my ship at all. And I didn't know you could "defeat" acts of nature/science LOL
  • okay well thats not what's happening. so saying it should be is utterly pointless. And no, not every ship needs to appeal to all playstyles. Escorts for example have little use to sci captains. Tac and Eng have PLENTY of options to choose from. A new ship is more seeing as the Jupiter was never a playable ship before now,…
  • there was nothing in the patch notes and there has been no mention of a launch for today. So it's not looking likely, unless they announce it after maintenance. But with no patching on thurs due to holiday, Jupiter seems unlikely to make its appearance until december 3rd maint. Though I would love it before then. But I'm…
  • I'm torn between 2 names I really LOVE. U.S.S. Nibelung or U.S.S. Rhine Maiden But I' will be going with one of those.
  • @pwlaughingtrendy are these the complete patch notes? You said you'd be posting them when you got in? So is this just some of them or is this the complete list?
  • just because its replacing a dread, does not mean the new one is obligated to be a dread. Imagine something being replaced with something different. What a concept. If you don't like the replacement, then you are under no obligation to give your money away.
  • If you get the c-store version a fleet one only cost 1 module. A total of $35.
  • As far I'm aware, this carrier was never stated to be a dreadnought. If they wanted it to be a dread, it would have been a dread.
  • this thread, 2nd comment:http://www.arcgames.com/en/forums/startrekonline#/discussion/1208112/something-odd-happening-out-there-dps-and-damage-drop-inside but if you're saying its behaving as it has, then i guess its false =p