Same thing here. My SCI got TAC kits. I filed a ticket. Response arrived saying it is a bug and they are passing it up the chain. We have to wait for a fix i guess. Hopefully it will remove the character-bound problem.
Bit behind here, but I have one! BLAST to the PAST: Saving Gideon Gideon banner This is a time of struggle and sadness, Captains. If only the news were better. Memusnahkan forces have taken much of Sirius and yesterday Risa was lost to us. By today's end their invasion forces will have control of Reytan, Lackey and Bhea.…
I recall a mission involving buildings like that on Risa. It may have been Technobabble by Klintobean or something like that. Maybe check that out.
Okay. Use this map: Deep Space Nine Interior Set your SPAWN point to these coordinates: X= 6.012 Y= -312 Z= -46.7194 ROTATION= -138.356 From there you will be able to adjust and work everything else out. If you want an NPC on the 2nd level balcony the Y value for that is: -300
It is on the map, but not connected to the main station as players in-game are teleported to it. I will look to see if i have a mission spawning in there.
There is in fact a Quark's bar interior on a DS9 map in the foundry. If you still need it, i can look at one of my missions to see if i have the spawn coordinates for you.
One of the things i have wanted to do is to create a single map mission with multiple map transitions within the same map using triggers. So far, i think i have managed to have 1 map with 5 locations on it using triggers to change the surroundings. I think that was in Hunt for a Viper. I haven't thought about making a…
This is certainly something i had planned for one of my many works-in-progress as a combat scene. It's very much doable. With the Foundry, there's usually a way. Just gotta find it or fake it.
*Just to clarify, this is a bespoke mission that has to be modified and republished for each player. All it requires is the sliders and an image of the character that would be running it. All the reviews so far:
At the end of the day, you are using a Cryptic social zone that is live, in game, and will be populated by players in the published version of the mission. You have no control over the NPCs there.
Welcome! Well, The Foundry Roundtable video podcast just started a tutorial series for exactly what you need. You can find them on you tube. And searching you tube for kirkfat's old tutorials is really helpful too.
Animals used to be able to sleep standing but that also has broken. Anyone using the TOS interior may need to add a couple doors to the sickbay as they now lead out into open space.
I am having a brilliant time with this ship. My KDF ROM has been through every ship i could find and all were weak. Easily defeated, slow at destroying enemies. I transferred all my gear from a warbird over to this Vorgon ship and finally this character is strong in space. Shields and hull dont go down much and it's a tank…
I have a folder of the images for these i find useful when choosing one. StarbaseUGC may have had it before the warp bubble devoured it. I also have a list regarding the sounds you can apply to objects and i use Kirkfat's backdrops for exterior. Saves checking them every time.