I went in on tribble to just play a bit - had a hard time to find someone to make a team - finaly found a nice guy and killed some voth... but (there allways must be a but hehe) after playing 10min we got the info that tribble is going down for maintenance in 30min... so we played another 25min and went out.... gameplay…
maybe we change the call letters to S.O.S. ? :D but I like the idea to stay in contact... btw: do I need to add someone as my friend before I can send him/her a PM ?
feel sorry 4 U I just tested it again - tribble is ok but holo still not tribble : Version ST.35.20131029a.22 tribble : running holo : Version ST.35.20131029a.21 holo : error ticket ID 25941731 maby U need to patch your tribble ;) I installed the whole game and both servers again today, so patches were made automaticly but…
seems like they found a solution... after one week I was able to start the game (tribble server only) but it was written here that they try some things on tribble before they repair holo... it was not bad (some littel errors stil there but all in all it was OK) but I never felt so lonley playing STO like on the tribble…
hehe seems like Im not alone here.... was writing with some guys from germany - lot of them have the same problem... I allways thought this is just a game but today in the supermarket there was this noisy kid and I caughd my self grabbing for a phaser to shoot this lil mf... it took me 3sec to realize that Im offline, and…