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jmiticp Arc User



  • KIG is ded. We've been fair and we're ded.
  • GPVP is dead? Well this is not something new. ******nit. GPVP has been dead for quite a long time (I'm pretty sure my opinion conflicts with some of the others, but hey, peace) from the beginning - Cryptic's been doing absolutely nothing and bugs were just everywhere. Many people exploited those things and GPVP went…
  • Hmm The list is still huge. Good job Cryptic.
  • KILL PVP TO GET PROFIT -- Cryptic, 2014 No sense, but, believe me, those are words of truth.
  • *inserts a funny comment here regardings to so-called Cryptic's machines of balance* Don't worry, it will be nerfed 'til it's ultimately destroyed to hundreds of pieces. Until then, deal with it. p.s. The topic's name is hilarious, imagine if a completely strange person comes in and sees your title. He'll wonder if you're…
  • Smelly ugly captain troll alert! :P:P:P Anyway, still waiting on your answer Shai... or you're avoiding this thread on purpose?
  • Shai, if I'm not wrong, you've been provoking people to do such things to you by premading constantly to claim the fun all for yourselves. Now I do not speak on their behalf, but that's what most of them said. I'm not blaming you, nor the FS at all... but if you view your actions in the past, and anylize them, Biggs'…
  • No need to post something in an alt acc, Biggs.
  • I completely agree with you semodo. In fact I couldn't agree more. The recent situation in Ground PvP is quite unstable as we speak. There's a lot of premading, a lot of pugstomping and hopefully this system that was introduced in space pvp, will be introduced in ground pvp. This will give a better chance for pugs who are…
  • While it rarely happens, I doubt anyone cares.
  • I do not think Cryptic should be involved in community's personal problems that are not connected to mechanics of the game. Sure, you could always report people if they insult you or harass you (badmouth about you in other words, while spawncamping you). In that situation, Cryptic would be forced to act. But players who…
  • I think that idea of yours is sound and nicely made up. This same idea has been developed in some other games I've known of, and it is surely a nice thought. As for Zerat's post, I do not think the Community has ''always'' (how you said) been behaving badly. Everyone has it's own bad moments, and good moments. It is…
  • About the PvP overall it's current state, I totally agree with you. If the PvP, both categorized as space pvp and ground pvp go way more in the wrong direction, I will see my future in this game as well really darkly. What attaches me the most to this game is PvP. It's kinda interesting unlike any other in other games. But…
  • Quite the experience you had there :P
  • @cakuzma: I must say I'm surprised you didn't agree to yourself with an alt as well, but nevermind that now. As a neutral side I'd ask everyone to calm down and before they say insults to each other to consider this statement that the mods are definitely watching this very thread and our argumenting, and that you may get…
  • Honestly when I saw the blog for the first time... I only liked the weapon and armor's look. The Undine rep passed for me! :D
  • Stop trying to make yourself cool and don't troll us. :cool: On-topic. Umm... okay. Sure.
  • Speaking of biochemist, the doff itself was bugged and exploited far too much, and oftenly the exploiters would be some certain fleets and their players. There were also several individuals who abused the bug connected to the biochemist to their own use. It was an exploit, however you may view it. Also nulonu, if I may ask…
  • I won't say anything that may be understood as an insult to the others (Mikiiy or his fleet), but since Mikiiy did not respect my wish to not respond to that post, then I'll post here again as he did to my post when I plead him to not. I have expressed my true feelings on all of this. I hope in future I will not be blamed…
  • Certain individuals is definitely not the right thing to say. The whole community hates your fleet with some reason, some people indirectly, some directly. When I said the Community I know what I meant to say, and I hope you understand now. Who told you I speak for the community? A hawk? I don't know whether you're…
  • I'm completely not against, nor will ever be, of splitting your groups up and queue in solo to make the game easier and happier for both parties, your fleet and the Ground PvP Community. However, when you stated, ''certain individuals'', that means almost the whole community who doesn't relatively like you, from what I…
  • I ********** lol xD Well, he's the ''Spectre'' who always changes accounts, so honestly I wasn't even sure myself to say that but I did spit it out... my bad. :D
  • ''I came, I saw, I rofled'' - Julius Caesar's improved version of motivfail.
  • I can see you have a great sportmanship which is valuable in every player. Though Biggles is not only very good at ground, he's very good at space as well. I'm pretty sure if you had asked him to challenge him at space later he'd accept. :)
  • Jangoak... I do not want to demolarize you, but, I know the guy who will 1v1 you. And sadly that guy is one of the best Ground PvPers. I wish you very good luck!
  • I was googling the word cupcake and drooling at pictures of the magnicifient-made cupcakes... ...when I saw Biggles' referrat to cupcakes and premades headed straight to a certain player named ''I love cupcakes, yep you got trolled'' and I just wanted to join in the argument. Only if you have a WARM seat for me prepared.…
  • OMG master of pvp is here. Everyone BOW! :P Yeah, right. I think angiewilliams has said it better than I ever could. FS newbie, get your body and your tail between your legs out of here. I don't think your off-topic post belongs here. Nor your pony attempt to troll. :D Oh, and on-topic. I like those stuff that will appear…
  • While true, I think you're halfly wrong. Please look at yourself in the mirror and wonder why these people are doing it when I think I know the answer and everyone else, which is obvious. Not intended to be hating post, but no need to hide behind the tree. :3 On-topic... It would be an okay idea, wouldn't it be? Why not?
  • ''I've been farming goats and camels, but drama like this, I had never seen. Arm your weapons soldiers, and prepare your horses. The drama war begins.''
  • The idea seems fine to me, tbh. Any more maps in Ground PvP is more than appreciated. Whatever it looks like. :P