I haven't had a lot of time to RP in game as I am relatively new. However, I have my Romulan J'Tol KDF side and my Ferenfi Girthk Fed side. When I do get the inkling to RP, I go to DS9 as I haven't found many others elsewhere.
Well, they are ramping up the release of the next FE/episode/season, whatever you want to call it...so yeah...Ask Geko, he should say something like. "I know"
most posts here I think are a little off the mark. However, this one makes sense. If PWE would revamp the crafting system and make those items viable alternatives at least to dilithium item procurement, it would help the noobs, which I am. I had no idea how to craft, until I played Fed. And the items you can create are…
I've created since, and those are fine. There are two or three I cannot edit or equip. I can't even delete a costume to make it again which I think would resolve the problem
How about, can we get Romulan bases or at least Romulans on our fleet bases? Fine, keep hem KDF/Fed, just give give an option to build Romulan bases and staff them with Romulans
I'm a tool. Someone just told me in the fleet section that it's per holding, not overall. That's what threw me there. So dilithium mine, embassy, and starbase each have their own totals.
I had this issue with one, but I think I figured out why. I play my Romulan KDF but bought a Fed DOFF. I can buy him, it shows I'm, but he won't work for me. Must be that stubborn trait...
The fleet leader board doesn't seem to stay with me while I remain in the same fleet. Maybe not pertinent to the op's question, but sucks to be me for this :P
nightmare? No. Dream? Yes. Vivid in fact. My Romulan started a coup to undermine the power of D'tan and incited numerous riots. That's why I wrote an intro story to that in Ten Forward. In short, all the time. I read, watch tv and movies way too much not to.
there are fewer lower level toons because it's way too easy to level in this game. I shouldn't be able to 50 already after only playing 2 weeks. Now been here a month and have another half way there. Some people may be able to level quicker, but it generally takes me a bit longer as I'm one to actually read the stories as…
funny thing is, it's not dead, by a long shot. A lot of the original players have moved elsewhere because they've done it all but they are getting new peeps like me all the time. I'm not seeing dead zone at all, just a full galaxy. I'm sure there was much more at one point but they didn't have Romulans then and I refused…
I tried to be, but sadly no one found me in this vast galaxy to enlist me proper. The background story, everything, looked perfect too. I do wish you all the best, at some point in the future I may seek the guard out again.
In the Romulan story arc it was left wide open as to what might happen next. I believe the story will be expanded and Romulans fleshed out over time. As to the next expansion, Cardassian perhaps but I see the devs talking more Delta quadrant species these days so that leaves one to wonder as well.