Thank you guys for saying this. It seems to me that the worst performers are the ones trying to dictate strategy in a pug. I have about 260 or so total stfs and I know by the time the first cube drops in kase or ise if well make it or get the optional. Cse is always tricky, you can be rockin it and all of a sudden the…
I just watch the videos. They're quick and always pay up. I use short the the zen on the exchange. I've made a few thousand refined dilithium in the past week so it's worth it.
I use 3DCs in stfs because of the increased proc chance, 3DHCs in fleet mark missions. I'd use the torp to take advantage of some combination of torp and cannon powers. 4 cannons basically wastes officer powers in a defiant.
I agree with this gripe. A lot of the ground weapons in the game are really huge/ugly. Perhaps several different models of the same weapon could be created and we could just shop for the one we think looks the coolest.
+1 Don't pug. Build a friends list. Join or make a fleet. +1 Good point, but it is easy from a development stand point to tell the difference between someone who leaves and some one who has been dropped.
john98837, implement these with a few lines of code... Your not the only one who can program, Neo. The problem is that people like this guy think they know anything about what is going on. There are several valid ways of completing any stf. If you want to be a leader, don't bark orders at people. The second that happens…
Yeah, im trollin your nerdrage post. This is where it belongs too, not in the middle of an stf like im constantly seeing in game. Use the friend system and fleets to do stfs with players that meet your standards and quit flying off in one direction for 50 km while your leeting your "strategy" in the middle of an stf.
You guys are such cry babies about stfs. If you dont like pugs dont play in pugs. If you like the way somebody plays pm them, put them on your friends list and try to play with them in the future. Join their fleet or have them join yours. Why do you need devs to waste their valuable time automating a process that you are…