First you haven't earned any respect among us, or anyone else for that matter. Your actions on this forum show you to be a pathetic troll who really does not have the slightest clue about how to play this game, nor the intellect needed to better yourself. Second as for your religion that you blathered on about so much,…
This is a major problem. Allot of us have dedicated ground toons and no way to level then because ground queues don't give **** for XP. Only real option is to make them into half assed space toons just to level, which we should not have to do. At the very least ground enemies should have there XP scaled to be the…
In brief, you suck, you know you suck, you know we are better than you, you are just not quite ready to admit it to yourself, and apparently this is causing you to go into some deranged forum writing binge. Ok got it.
Actually I did counter your points, but I'm getting the feeling English might be a second language for you so i can understand why you missed that. Alone in a pug with the kinda players you turned out from your pve bootcamp we still usually do anything from 50-75% of the match's DPS ourselves. Usually it looks like one of…
Poor jellico how little you know. First doesn't have to be all scimitars, but everyone having ships that are not complete pieces of **** like some of the ones you were promoting with your pve boot camp does help. Second, we don't need to be on TS, think some were on that run but barely said a word, we actually know how to…