Ah yes, good point, looking forward to the Fleet ships. Most of my T6s have 11 slots anyway (Hazari, Sheshar). Also the Command/Intel slots too. Agree that T6 an T6F are the future of the game.
Yes, worth it for pretty much all captain types. Best console in the game. My Eng is 100+ Power Levels aall the time in combat. Always capping out Weapons Power, even with OSS.
Oh okay, cool. So no real advantage to having a T6 vs T5U once you get the mastery unlocked. Also helpful in understanding that I'm not 'duplicating' a mastery trait by having it active and unlocked.
Thank you, that was very helpful. For clarity, the 2014 Anniversary Event is stuck in my event 'queue', because I didn't have enough Q-mendations last year to get it. I need about 400 more to complete the event/task and get the rewards. I figured I would get it once I completed it and don't want to spend Lobi or Zen on it.…
I agree, it is nice to not have wasted XP. I was discouraged from playing my main alt when he hit level 50. Now that we keep earning XP for specializations, I want to keep playing him. Overall I like the new system, but then again I only really like to play my main and my alts tend to sit around. I would be more open to…
There is already another thread on this. But in short, this is a good change. Much easier to find skills to train our BOFFs. I don't have to remove a old skill and retrain a new one to move it to a different build/ship. I also can make my SROs into Intel or other specializations, so they don't go to waste and can be useful…
These changes are good. I can now train my Tactical SRO BOFFs in a specialization which gives me more flexibility in my bridge station layout. I used to have to find a way to make it work by putting them in the non-Intel Tacticals and universals.
Thanks for the suggestion. That interface is the 'First Officer Recommendations' when you got into the 'Departments' section. I do like the recommendations because it makes DOFF missions assigned quicker with less clicking. I just want to be able to put certain officers on an exclusion list so they're never selected.
If the team is hitting the Voth pretty hard, I'll go after the Undine myself. I can solo it pretty easily. Alternatively if someone is putting a hurting on the Undine, I'll stick with the Voth dread. With any luck, both Dreads are knocked out at nearly the same time, leaving only the Borg ship. This is helpful when you…
Well I'm more interested in the different experiences I can get from the game more so than having the best ship or what is popular or hot. I was just interested in hearing if there was a great T5 ship that I should get while T5U is still very competitive. For example, if the Gal-X had a a little better console/boff setup,…
Wow, you must be my brother from another mother. I don't have a Gal-X but I want one and I am a big fan of the Hazari. I know we're a bit off topic here, but I don't understand why I don't see more Hazaris out there. I've seen two others in the wild, ever. To your point, it can be very tanky, like a Cruiser but it can…
Quick update - I was able to get to Beta Ursae from Oellius and Eta Eridani. I appreciate all the help. I was getting frustrated on how long it was taking to to visit the Dil Mine to use my Dil VIP Claims.
Thanks for the feedback. Agreed it doesn't make sense to spend $25 to use a $5 token, so ideally I'd buy something available from the fleet store, since I can get the Ship Modules using EC off the exchange. I rather use EC instead of Zen. Unfortunately the Vesta isn't available through Fleet stores. Besides the Vesta, it…
Thanks again for the response. I initially tried going two ways. One from Tau Dewa Sector Block to the Regulus Sector Block and another time from Eta Eridani Sector Block to the Orellius Sector block. Both methods had failed, but I do think I had not yet started the 'Bigger Picture' mission yet. Once I got to that mission…
Thanks for the suggestion, but the upgrade is account bound and when opened it will be character bound. I don't think I can sell it. Good tip for the Sci Vessel. I've heard a Vesta as a torp build can be really fun.
Thanks. I've completed that mission and I did gain access to some sector travel, but not to the sectors needed to get to DS9. I got the error I described in the original post. Transwarping to the mining station next to DS9 is also not available as an option, but I can Transwarp to Qo'nos and New Romulus. Thanks.
Thank you. I did get access to other non-Romulan sector blocks, but not access to the blocks I need to traverse to get to DS9. I also have the a mission from the mining claims NPC and the transwarp option to that area says its not allowed.
Well I didn't see an announcement, hence my post :) But anyway, I first heard from someone asking in ESD about it. I checked the Subscription Management and under the various gold subscription options, Lifetime was listed as $199. Other subs were at their normal price.
Thanks for the replies. I'm mostly interested in the path of least resistance. I don't have any real interest in playing these alts. I just want to log in a few times a day, do the DOFFs missions that generate Dil & Contraband, refine, and move back to my main guy. My main guy gets enough Dil on his own and has enough EC…
Pretty similar to the build I've been using... TT1, APB1, FAW3, APO3 TT1 FAW1, OSS2 EPtS1, RSP1, EPtW3 TSS1, HE2, GW1 4x AP Beam Arrays 2x OD AP 1x KCB 5x Vulnerability Locator Doubling up on APs, TTs, and FAWs keeps em going. OSS2 gives a nice damage to boost. GW1 is great for keeping enemies bundled together when warp…
Thanks and I agree that there are other good T6 ships available. But many of the ships brought up here are $30 while the Hazari is a reasonable EC buy off the exchange. And even focusing on just the exchange, the Hazari is cheaper than the Xindi Escort and far cheaper than a JHAS. All are 7 weapon ships with 5 Tac…
Okay, cool, thanks. I had this happen on my other video card and older drivers (still AMD), and I've always thought I was doing something wrong in the game. I would say about 50% of my maxed out skills show this. The other 50% are filled in. Green and yellow are always filled in. This was also before my respec. I'll test…
I don't have this ship, but I use a Hazari T6 which has a Lt. Commander Sci slot for GW1. It also has the Lt. Intel slot for Ionic Turbulence. So I'm running a very similar combo to what you're posting about. Like you, I put 2 and 2 together and thought it would be neat to cast both at the same time. GW keeps them 'in' the…
Okay, cool thanks very much. Another respec at 60 sounds very nice too. Maybe I'll hold off until I'm closer to 60 before I use the game card. Its taking quite a bit of playing to get from 50 to 55, so 60 will take a while. I got a 2 month game card, I would expect to get to 60 by then, but I'll wait and see. Thanks.