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  • I was going to make a similar comment, but I figure it's rude to shame someone for whom english is clearly not his first language.
  • Ok... I have a question here, because I've seen similar complaints elsewhere. People are saying that event unlocks act like C-Store purchases, so they are reclaimable and/or account-wide. But I've never (as in from the time they were originally released, i.e. not a new issue) seen that to be the case. The best I've seen is…
  • Could this be a case of "clicking faster than your connection will register"? I.e. the same thing that causes you to queue for Assault on Terok Nor when you totally clicked on Mirror Invasion?
  • Yeah, just to reiterate what szim said, this isn't a new bug by any means, but it's one that can be worked around with some patience.
  • Ahh, thank you for clarifying that. I was really discouraged not to see anything about the doff system in the list yesterday, but now I feel a little bit better.
  • Yeah, I'm concerned as well. I understand that things take time, but what I found really disconcerting is that neither this issue, nor the missing sector space assignments were listed in this week's "Known Issues." That they're not yet fixed is one thing, but the fact that they're not being acknowledged kinda bugs me :/
  • I'm pretty sure I saw the same result with "Ignores +Eng from Events," but I can't be 100% sure. I'll check with Tac and Eng as soon as I get a chance. But I can confirm that it is happening with sci. Was going to post about that myself, glad to see I wasn't the only one who caught it.
  • My fleet hasn't made much progress on our R+D lab yet, so I only have my 5 slots. I can confirm that while it does *say* that you have more R+D slots available, you actually are still limited to what you should have. So this is a cosmetic/tooltip bug only.
  • > @dragonsbite said: > And i'd like to add that some common Romulan doffs you still CAN NOT DISMISS. It's been reported many times. It's been over a year now and this issue is still not resolved. Out of curiosity, can they not be executed via assignments, either? I don't think I've encountered that bug, but if I can't kill…
  • > @borticuscryptic said: > Which assignments are reflecting this behavior? All assigments are showing the same behavior. I have been citing the dilithium mine assignments, primarily, as they give larger rewards that are more immediately noticeable. But I can confirm that I have the same problem across all assigments.
  • See the post about "Doff missions no longer granting bonus on rarity." The problem we're seeing is not that the rewards themselves are halved, but that we're not getting the increased rewards from having higher grade doffs. *edit* Also, would you mind checking for me whether the rewards listed on your doff interface for…
  • > @robothitchhiker said: > I think they're saying that normally you get a scaling of amount of rewards based on Doff rarity (not crit chance), but that's no longer happening. So a mission success with 4 purple doffs should get slightly more rewards than with 4 white boffs, even with no crits. I can check on this later…
  • In addition to the missing doff assignments (most notably the r+d scans), doff assignments are not granting bonus rewards based on doff grade/rarity %. I.e. a mission completed or critted with full purples gives the same rewards as one completed or critted with full whites. The rewards display properly in the doff…
  • Thank you for the assist, swamarian. A further clarification on this bug: in the doff pane/interface, it shows the rewards as they should be, but on actual collection of the rewards, you're only receiving the baseline amount. *edit* I suppose I should also note that my characters are all KDF or KDF-aligned Romulans, so I…
  • I assumed they removed the "scan for x"/"analyze y" missions because the Admiralty system has provided a new, better source for R+D mats. However, on reflection, that was a dumb assumption, because it still screws over under-52s. And yes, the only r+d mat missions that are currently available under any category are the…