I have found a fix for it. Disabling iNetwork control worked for me. on my ASUS board. I went in the Al suit II and disabeld the network control. Hope it helps for you guys too.
I have found a fix for it. Disabling iNetwork control worked for me. on my ASUS board. I went in the Al suit II and disabeld the network control. Hope it helps for you guys too.
Hey mate, I am glad that i am not the only one. I have send a ticket, they have responded very fast. But with all the tips they give me, i still have the problem :(. Hope someone on board can help us.
thanks for the reply's. But it is stil not working. I just made a new toon and everything when very good. until i did a relog, logged the new toon in wich takes forever and then i was in a dark room that i could move but its all i could do. strange :(. When i enter my other toon and try to warp to the spacestation i get…
Did that and still not working, i have been stuck at the loading screen every time for about 15 min and when i then get in the game, i cant do anything, i see everyone flying bit still not able to move forward or backwords???