Can't seem to place bridge crew on ambassador/yamagucci fleet variant ship,. opened up a few tickets on the issue, no response other than "we know you know" anyone have help ful suggestions beyond log out and back in?
yeah was hoping that the patch would have some hidden tability "goodies" myself. sorry to look here first and discover there wasn't a true fix. I'm pretty disapointed myself in the fact that theres not a fix or a comment by cryptic or pwe......
did anyone look at the patch notes for tommarow? no mention of this issue even being adressed.... how lovely... ya know some days, your the bug and others your the windshield, today my fellow money spenders to china. I feel we are the bugs on the windshield. back to ps3 and the epically other glitchy game i play…
yeah, just tried a bunch of stuff , needed to go to ds9 wouldn't even load into it, and then when re conencting it refused to load into the game....great moved to tac character, loaded right into him, (in his safe spot in a low pop nebula) immediatley get hit with server not responding and crash. Done with this ****, spent…
please do if you can get ahold of any of them.... communication seems to be a one way street here with this game, and always has unless you can magically catch a DEv online playing.
wow, lots of texas trekkies, happy sight! :) last night was good until about midnight or eleven o clock, and then the tidal wave of issues hit me, in past nights it seemed that if i could "escape" to a(betreka nebula or other offshoot zone) I' stabilize and could que and enjoy the game, but last night it wasn't to be, it…
I also use time warner sadly.......but speedtest tells me i'm not having speed issues and our fleet's teamspeak 3 server is still up and I'm only alt tabbed out right now to write this, while its Server has timed or timing awkward moment, FIX SERVERS GUYS GEEZE.......... maybe turn all of them ON?
same here in Dallas area, this is silly, can't believe it....wait yeah i can.... surely theres a way to tag dev's in here....surely...... Tonight , 9/10 9/11 has been okay till about 20 minutes ago, when i started getting my first server notresponding of the evening and as forced to go to a starbase sysem, DS9 for gear.…
it started yesterday for me, and has continued, increased and intensified I'm going to try to disable the on demand patching, let it patch the WHOLE GAME, hoping that will let me speed throught the loading screens, where 45% i get DC'ed or Server not Responding....
just going to do a quick little troll here, if anyone is having disconnect or Server not Responding messages, please post comments over here Thanks, and PWE _ Bran, take a look as well let someone who can fix it know!
indeed, same here heres to at least hoping its the microsoft's Big B008s code error or at least something humorous, so when we find out later we'll all have a chuckle over how irate we were swearing and threatening our computers very lives.......mine was very close to taking a swim earlier....