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What is the Arc Client?
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intrepid31 Arc User



  • He can't login because Arc defender keeps blocking him with wanting a verifcation code that defender keeps sending to the hotmail that his is locked out of.
  • I"m sure this has been answered and i just can't find it. Can anyone tell me if we still get all the perks of lifetime memberships on the console?
  • Could you please answer these question for Xbox One. I just want to know if i do decide to play it on my Xbox One will i be able to transfer my characters or not? xraiderv1 "my second concern...is how are accounts going to be handled? can we sign in and share progress between pc/console, or are we going to end up forced…
  • is it two free respect per account or per character?
  • servers back up west coast
  • Down here as well.
  • So after a bout a week or so and some update to STO by the powers that be, I'm still having lag. Did take them long, did it.
  • I have been trying to figure this out for my self for months. I live in the US on the West Coast. My lag isn't as bad as the original poster's. This is a game issue, it started for me back before the release of season 10. I will admit that about a half a second of the lag i had was due old drivers; and I bought a gaming…
  • Thank you for your reply and the answer
  • I think you miss read the post. The problem is actually starting after releasing the female foumder. As i recall the NPCs never completely followed you in because warden tell to you to have them stay behind. Erun is allowed to follow you to an area just before you get to the founder holding cell. Once you release the…
  • Was there ever a fix for the missing starship traits? Because it just started to me. I have logged in and out serveral times and they're not showing up.
  • So for the last few days i have been doing a lot of web searching trying to figure out this keyboard lag issue; it has really been difficult sence the only time i have the lag is while in game. During my search the one thing that kept coming up was having a good keyboard. So on feb 16th just out of a lack of being able to…
  • I download a program called Slimdriversfree which checked all my drivers and told me which ones needed updated while that did not fix the issue completely for me i did notice a little difference with the game. I know they always say to update drivers and i wouldn't suggest this (because it is always the first thing out of…
  • Ok, so today i updated the bios and bump the system memory from 4gb to 16gb. While this did improve things like program load time and general system response time, it did not affect the keyboard lag any still have a .5 to 1.5 sec lag while in the game.
  • so i fired up my old xp desktop and had the keyboard lag. Then i fired up my wife's windows 7 laptop and it didn't have any keyboard lag. So it appears to be something desktop systems.
  • So i fired up my vista laptop and updated STO just to see if i had the keyboard lag there as well; Nope it ran fine on it. So it has to be some setting or thing on the desktop machine. Anyone have any ideas?
  • Still having this issue and still have not had any reply from support staff. I stepped away from the game for awhile hoping that this would get fixed. Now after season 10.5 and season 11 patches i'm back and the issue is still not fixed. Still a 1 to 2 second lagged when in a ground area. I don't seee the lag as much while…
  • I also am having a lag issue although it does sound as bad as Cadony's. I am getting enough that it is making the game unplayable. I have searched the internet and the forums and nothing has worked, So if someone could help that would be great. Microsoft Windows [Version 6.1.7601] Copyright (c) 2009 Microsoft Corporation.…
  • Nope login issue still not fixed. Put video card setting under display tab back to auto and game crashed at the Iconian War splash screen with the same Direct3D fatal error.
  • I've had them same issue sense the delta recruits were released. This is the only thing I've been able to do to get the game to a playable state. The graphic suck unless you are pretty much right on top of your toon but the doesn't crash on me. Here's what I did. Log into safe mode Under options Under the Display Tab Set…
  • Hey gang look at all the things Cryptic fixed in the game and the stuff they know that needs to be fixed. General: • Resolved an issue which caused some items to be missing from the following locations: o Account Bank o Fleet Bank o Mail o Exchange o Items which were missing from these locations should now be accessible.…
  • Good lord you all are a bunch of sick, twisted, and demented group. I now wonder what it says about me sence read this entire post and could play to both sides. :P
  • I personally would like the directx and all the graphic issues fixed.
  • I got those tips from: demonicaesthetic and richardcranium63 I thank you both.
  • If you are experiencing any of the DirectX errors mentioned in the previous posts, do the following. 1) Go to https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/kb/179113 2) Scroll down to the section on the page that reads "Install DirectX End-User Runtime if your application or game requires an earlier version of DirectX" 3) Click the…
  • Stage 1 - Launcher - Options - Safe Mode Stage 2 - Once logged into the game, options - set up your graphics prefs as usual, do not 'lower' them, that's not the problem. when setting up the options, make sure the mode is set to 'windowed' not 'windowed full screen' or 'full screen'[ Stage 3 - Exit the game while making…
  • I finally got in and was able to run the game. I had to do both of the tips offered. I will try to find them and repost them.
  • This is stupid, i feel like we're back dealing rabbit ear anttenas on TVs;( you stand here, you stand there, and you hold the coat hanger in the window. ) Oh, but just wait cause we're during maintance tomarrow between 7 and 10, whoops sorry there were problems so be extending the maintance. Ok, maintance is done have fun…
  • This is stupid, i feel like we're back dealing rabbit ear anttenas on TVs;( you stand here, you stand there, and you hold the coat hanger in the window. ) Oh, but just wait cause we're during maintance tomarrow between 7 and 10, whoops sorry there were problems so be extending the maintance. Ok, maintance is done have fun…