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icetyger1 Arc User



  • Having recenty Aquired a new T5 Ship on reaching level 50 on a new alt March 2025 I find thet Starship Upgrade Requisitions are NOT available in the Zen Store. As they are needed to even use the Experimental Upgrades on a T5 then basically we cannot upgrade a T5 at all. There are about 5 of these upgrades on the exchange…
  • 25th today. Event ends tomorrow. Yet the Junior Officer event still hasn't even started.
  • Came here to find out why I can't claim the Exocomp on my newish Cardassian Captain. Now I know. The event has not been activated. Change of commands never run smoothly.
  • Always found loadouts to be a pain and would rather not use them but they auto save the first loadout when you ready a new ship. What we need is an option to completely disable loadouts for those of us who don't want them at all.
  • So Where is the 20% Dilithium Store discount you are claiming to have? All I see is my 15% Fleet Discount.
  • Worked fine after the Patch on Tuesday 2nd July evening. Bought a new Fleet ship as our fleet unlocked Tier 5 Shipyard. Renamed the new ship. No trouble. Next day. Lobi Sale. Bought two Ships from the Lobi store I'd be waiting for a sale, to buy them. A T6 and a Shuttle. Any attempt accessing the renaming UI result in the…
  • OK so my Federation Captains and Romulan Captains get a nice new ship but my Klingons already have todays free Aniversary Giveaway Ship. From ages ago. By the way the Caitian Atrox is a great loooking ship, shame there's no T6 or Fleet T6 versions available to buy.