Having recenty Aquired a new T5 Ship on reaching level 50 on a new alt March 2025 I find thet Starship Upgrade Requisitions are NOT available in the Zen Store. As they are needed to even use the Experimental Upgrades on a T5 then basically we cannot upgrade a T5 at all. There are about 5 of these upgrades on the exchange…
Came here to find out why I can't claim the Exocomp on my newish Cardassian Captain. Now I know. The event has not been activated. Change of commands never run smoothly.
Always found loadouts to be a pain and would rather not use them but they auto save the first loadout when you ready a new ship. What we need is an option to completely disable loadouts for those of us who don't want them at all.
Worked fine after the Patch on Tuesday 2nd July evening. Bought a new Fleet ship as our fleet unlocked Tier 5 Shipyard. Renamed the new ship. No trouble. Next day. Lobi Sale. Bought two Ships from the Lobi store I'd be waiting for a sale, to buy them. A T6 and a Shuttle. Any attempt accessing the renaming UI result in the…
OK so my Federation Captains and Romulan Captains get a nice new ship but my Klingons already have todays free Aniversary Giveaway Ship. From ages ago. By the way the Caitian Atrox is a great loooking ship, shame there's no T6 or Fleet T6 versions available to buy.