everyone shouldn't have much of a problem the next patch that was put on tribble fixed log in issues I was able to log in as for others not sure just know they've come up a fix that's going to work on alot of people who've been having issues so far i've been able to get on tribble just not holodeck the patch should be up…
seems that all tickets that are being submitted are the same Both ways so I don't see what the problem is i'm seeing the same exact ticket numbers and it apper's to be just for different systems. Now I know it has nothing to do with our systems we've ran the game perfectly before and now your getting tickets most of them…
the more you sit and do nothing about this the more you're just gonna lose you think the people who are able to get on are going to stay if a bunch of their friends can't even get on? you've got another thing coming Fix the issue or your going to get a big bite in the TRIBBLE no matter what you think.
They better not i've never had this kind of problem since this game started it's not our systems fault it's their fault we don't make the game and we don't cause the issues
for those of you whom would agree to this then it's recommend you ask for it. Who agree's that when they made the rep system instead of taking the easy way to get mark 12 weaponary for ground and space as well as removeing the dil boxes and the boffs that they should of done this. Borg distruptors/plasma beam arrays X -XII…
I see you are all showing what should be made differently that's good keep it up spread the word of this direct others to this the more people respond the more likely we will get a responds from the devs
this guy gets the idea keep on trucking for lobi crytstals to be made alot easier and if possible have the reputation system changed to something else. I'm sure alot of us prefered grinding on the STF's to get borg salavage and prototype equipment to get the powerful mark 12 items for our ships, and to get a hold of Borg…
well if there wasn't oh well my point still stands i think there was some metion of it being easier to get lobi crystals and there really should be easier ways missions and such
Now i'm sure you all know too well about the lock boxes most of you might have your banks cluttered with them and i'm sure alot of you want to win the higher pay outs in the lock boxes. So this is what i want us to try to do we should try to get dev's pwe who ever makes the final choices change etc to change the odds on…