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hylanvahr Arc User



  • Same here. I've met the stated in-game requirements and still cannot purchase Advanced or Elite versions of the gunboats (they're not even visible in the shop menu). Very disappointed. I was looking forward to this fix for quite some time since I really enjoy flying my Jem'Hadar vanguard carrier. Edit: This has been…
  • I concur. I created an alien DSC sci captain today and the same thing happened to me at the same point. Upon arriving in DSC sector space, the infinite transwarp bug starts happening. Quitting and relogging into the character repeats the process. There appears to be no way around it. Thankfully none of my other non-DSC…
  • Bump, and I concur. I have this bug across my characters in both main factions. Save outfit files are there, but post-Season 14 saved outfits not displayed in Load Outfit (pre-S14 still working as before). Good to know the devs are aware of this. Thank you, OP, for making the report.
  • Q1: 3D Studio Max Q2: "The Mayns of Balnar Moon" by Alimac30
  • I don't have exact times for you, but I can say project was completed on Saturday, and expired about 24 hours later. chitowngrizz420 above is one of our top officers in Sector 31 ANTKB, and he can vouch for this. As for other people running into this issue, I'll refer you to the sister thread I started over on /r/STO about…
  • Just wanted to echo this bug, and very relieved that it has been caught so quickly. My current T5-U Aventine build is very dependent on that trait. My in-game report was ticket ID #3,562,639. Thank you, Cryptic!
  • I think I've tracked the issue down, and I think it's an old tailor bug related to special set costumes (MACO, Omega, CC, etc.). It's a bug that forces your bridge officers' costume category to instantly reset to Uniform when you go to edit them when they were previously set to the special costume category, in this case…
  • ticket ID #3,480,036 Character: Sheva@Hylanvahr Ever since I unlocked the Iconian Resistance Armor costume and applied it to my bridge crew, I've encountered an issue where on the Character Select menu after I log in, I see three copies of my female Android tactical bridge officer, Technis, in place of my other BOFFs on my…
  • And it looks like they finished a half hour ahead of their predicted maintenance time. Time to play! :cool:
  • If the game's budget was focused far more heavily into ground systems, you can bet people would line up to play it...more than you'd expect. Cryptic's other mmo, Neverwinter, shows how capable the engine is in handling ground action in greater detail. Look, Star Trek isn't about the ships; those are just the attractive tin…
  • ^THIS in so many ways! =D STO has some of the most fluid ground combat in any MMORPG I've ever played. There's fast paced movement, taking cover, flanking damage, tricks/traps/bombs/SciMagic all over the place. Character animations for ground action are quite superb for this genre. Best of all, you can actually see your…
  • I sure hope this was written as a clever ploy by the Republic to use Sela in order to battle the Iconians, and not just another cliche case of incompetence by the good guys for the sake of plot. Gaius double crossing the Republic, then triple crossing Sela would be one heck of a delightful twist.
  • I don't blame them one bit at all for doing this. PWE's parent company is hemorrhaging market share (they lost close to 5% value very recently). It is imperative they do this right now. All hands on deck! Full power to revenue streams! lol Yeah, the bugships have created an ugly unbalanced legacy in STO, but you know what?…
  • Yup^^ On a positive note (for once), I want to seriously thank Borticus for daring to do this. It's a new twist on an old mechanic, it has hilariously pissed off the usual members of the forum dwelling pvp crowd (that has unsurprisingly rebuked all the great points virusdancer made about it), and it gives my AP dedicated…
  • In other words, their programmers gotta earn their paychecks doing what essentially amounts to...nothing? I sometimes wonder if Cryptic is really a game company, or a government bureaucracy with no Congressional oversight. :(
  • Wow. So...basically a female head surgically attached to a masculine body. Got it. Your rigid view of "fe"male body image is so noted. A certain Mary Shelley story comes to mind. Would be so much easier just to make a straight up male character. Problem solved. But I see your deep psychological need to break social norms…
  • The Dauntless is a science ship with very sharp teeth if outfitted properly, and is the sci ship many sci-dedicated players like myself have deserved for a long, long time. She's up there with the Wells, and fits in better with the current story time period and technology than a sorely out-of-place timeship. I can't wait…
  • All this back n' forth forum tennis arguing over...belts, and how they sit on a character with extreme proportions? Um, no. I don't want any game-wide change to be made just to please one single player's desires. More than one, perhaps. Remember the needs of the many... Please, crypticjoejing, do not make any changes to…
  • Holy Commander Shepard...the rachni have returned! :eek:
  • Well written blog that talks the talk for a great corporate level design pitch. Brad's words by themselves convinced me there was great focus and talent behind this... and then there was the actual pictures of the Fed ships, and it all fell to pieces. I don't get it. JamJamz & Co did such a great job with ships like the…
  • ^^This! I lost count how many winter and summer event races I've lost because of either missing the flag after legitimately crossing the finish line 1st, or losing 2nd or 3rd place because of flag trolls that wait for you to get close, then snatch away what you earned with skill and time investment. Cryptic, I'm sorry, but…
  • I really like the handling of the Personal Traits now, but it needs just a bit more...convenience. Having to manually swap out traits everytime you go from space to ground, or vice versa kills some of the fun, especially when playing episodes that have both gameplay aspects during which you can't switch traits and are…
  • Yes, I reclaimed my shuttle after deleting the first one. Since working around this bug (so far), my bridge officers also appear on my ship's bridge interior without fail (no more random nameless NPC crew taking their place like before). *still crossing fingers* Good to hear. I hope it holds up for you. :)
  • This is great news! I hope this old aggravation that has plagued many STO captains (especially now after S9 launch) for a long time can finally be put to rest. Thank you for trying to get to the bottom of it. Hope the software dudes will follow-up on their end very very soon. I did not have this power tray problem at all…
  • (Un)official announcement: Next livestream smirk promises to push the entertainment envelope by hacking Branflakes' account and will give PWE sandwiches away while playing the No Win! :eek:
  • Brandon, Thanks for relieving my concern about the uniform Mr. Tuvok is wearing in the promotional stuff. Your artist(s) did a great job modeling his face, an improvement over Ritual Entertainment's interpretation for Elite Force 2. Now he deserves the right clothes. I think Tuvok would look outstanding in the DS9…
  • The (fleet) Intrepid is great as it is, just needs a Lt. Cmdr Tac slot. I would gladly trade away that Ens. Sci slot for that. Makes little sense at all for the Fleet Nova (much as I love that little boat), a considerably smaller ship, to have LtCmdr. Tac with the capability of throwing Torp Spread 3 or the ability to…
  • It appears the new Reman skin textures for the chest and the arms were not included by the devs for the Dilithium Miner costume. I just purchased mine today, and after setting it up, it fails to show the part of the character's bare upper chest for the v-neck portion of the undershirt. Also, the arms are invisible for the…
  • Since Cryptic already worked out a deal with Rademaker for the Vesta, maybe the Merian Class was part of the package too... http://static4.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20120528082105/startrek/images/thumb/8/87/Uss_planck.jpg/1000px-Uss_planck.jpg If it happens, that may be the closest thing we'll ever get to a Tier 5 Miranda…
  • I use FAW all the time, so I feel your frustration, but they're aware of the problem. It's just not so easy, given the layered architecture of the antiquated game engine, for the new people to clean up old mistakes from past Cryptic staff brought on by Atari's horrid mismanagement of the game in the beginning.