i got a D'd hate the turn rate on it so i don't use it much but i mite come back to it some day. Commander tactical i don't even think it too unreasonable its a dreadnaught and the falchion ,jem dread have commander tactical so i think on those grounds give it commander tactical is very reasonable to ask fix the lance very…
ok the extra hull and hangar are a step in the right direction i agree fully but it definitely needs more its a dreadnaught ok so lets look at dreadnought's shall we? jem dread has commander tactical and scimitar set including falchion has commander tactical so commander tactical is definitely needed. Now with a commander…
i love my jem dread it is a beast of a beamer as for vesta jus blah not for me i got my galx i will make it a fleet ship soon enuf im waiting to see what the new stats are on it but im a tac officer on my 3 toons rom fed and klink i have yet to see any science ships that interest me but im weird i don't deny that so…
rom rep torps with 3 purple projectile doffs which i get from omega rep is all i use at one time i used omega regen shields not any more i got elite co variant adaptive shields i lovem more plus i can use plasmonic leech ground i don't know im still playing around with it i got all fleet gear tho and im doing ok but im…
im not talking weapons i got weapons squared need to fill my science console slots and im not liking the fleet science consoles so far sorry i should of been more specific
ty so much lovin this question will we ever be able to click on our character then switch ships like in this list or still go to ship chancer no big deal just curious
i made this suggestion before and someone pulled the suck it up speech hmm looks like im not the only one but hey thats just my opinion i don't see any harm in this feature it would do some good on those grounds i think this feature would be worth considering thank you have a nice day and thank you im glad someone else…
well i got 2 min mind first a tactical 2 hangar romulan dreadnaught carrier similar in config to jem dreadnaught carrier same boff layout as my falchion and some sick new hangar pets 4 on 3 guns with 2 hangars second 2 ships similar to my falchion cept fed, klingon i know mogh but i prefer a tac 3 boff some would say big…
a fleet galx a 2 hangar bay romulan carrier dream on buy why not since kdf and feds have it the ability to buy exocomps again yes i got one id like to have them available again janeway as a voice actress dream on lol a borg faction yeah right i know lol a fleet science console that improves shield capacity and second…
ive used it on my fleet deridex and falchion cloak and i get away and no i don't keep my shields up while cloaking i don't use that console i swapped it in favour of fleet armour console but im weird
im use to disrespectful comments so the comments i deem rude i wont respond to i made a list of suggestions have a nice day second thank you for the in game help third 3 minute wait for any console i find a weee bit much but thats just me im sure many people use abilities that recharge in 3 minutes compared to the stats of…
dude if ur looking for an escort check the mogai add the fleet console and that thing is balanced im rockin my falchion with 2 fleet rcs 4 dual heavy cans and rom hyper torps and i love it just my 2 cents worth
nice build! im a tac officer and i use a falchion similar layout 2 fleet rcs,4 fleet plasma dhc and rom hyper torps with 3 projectile doffs on fore enabling 9 torps in a stream 3 fleet plasma turrets i got valdore console too i use omega regen shield im working on fleet tac consoles also working on, fleet science i also…