I got advice from another site. When you're in the game, going to Options, then Display,and set Display Mode to Windowed Maximized. sthe91, I apologize for putting this in the wrong forum. I wasn't thinking clearly because I was frazzled from going through the problem for about 4 days in a row and having no luck until…
I equipped the Environmental Suit from 'Boldly they rode'. The item vanished from my inventory, but my character looks like they have it equipped. Trying to change their appearance doesn't work. I'd give out my ticket ID, but I didn't get one.
I have it as well on my Servok toon. The mission won't progress pass the Distribute rifles part. They are a tactical character and my ticket id is 4,018,606
My romulan character also suffers from Loadout issues. Whenever I go to a ground map from a space map, the Ship's loadout is changed back and the Duty Officers equipped for 'Active space are unequipped. The character is Twenty@hotelkatz The ship is a Ferengi D'kora Marauder [T5-U] The Ticket Id for this character is…
My FED character is having Loadout issues since I upgraded the Chimera and began to use it. My character is Deberk@hotelkatz The Ship is a Chimera Heavy Destroyer [T5-U] The reverting problems happen whenever I change something on the ships loadout, then go to a ground map, and return back into space. The loadout changes…
I do not have the Nukara space set equipped and the bonus won't go away. I am not sure how to reproduce this, other than getting all three of the Nukara space set, equipping them for a fight, and finishing an STF. My ticket Id number is #2,678,345
Okay, I've done a Doff mission in the T'ong Nebula and it increased the number in both the T'ong Nebula accolade and D'kel Nebula Accolade. EDIT: After doing 35 missions. the duplicate accolade disappeared.
from what I remember, they switch back and forth whenever the two activate at the same time, to the point where there really is no bonus energy whatsoever.
They Devs might as well not even bothered with the sorting. either I still wind up looking for the right doff through the list or I wind up unchecking every job until I get the right doff for each duty officer slot. Could we please have a stealth update that has all the jobs are unchecked at the start? That would be really…
I was checking with Roxy to see if doing the registering with her would fix a problem with the Honor guard armor and Omega in the tailor. I accidentally clicked on the MKXI honor guard armor and it degraded my MKXII guard armor to a MKXI armor. my ticket ID is #2,466,551.
All I will say is this. The fused Aft cannon remind me of Astroboy when he had machinguns hidden in his butt. Besides, give it a few months or a year and the KDF will get their version of Spaceship Astroboy.
Well, crypticfrost, My character that is having the problem is Twenty@hotelkatz If it does seem to happen while you use the character, Go to a ground map and go back to space. the glitch will occur.
Went and did the featured episode again. The recent 'lose skill tray' glitch seems to come from it. The only way to temporarily get rid of the glitch until you replay the episode is to switch out one of your ground Boffs and change maps.
Does anyone else have the voth boff Nelen Exil in a groud Boff slot? I discovered that having him equipped in a ground Bridge officer slot was somehow causing my space skill tray to rest. Perhaps he is also effecting your skill trays?
Every time I log on with My KDF-ROM character, the skill tray keeps resetting. I do not know what is causing this, but it started to occur when I went back to using my T'varo retrofit after using my D'kora. My ticket id is ID #2,449,151
I have two bank slots that have no proper icon, just a dark square with a number signifying they are in a stack. They used to be some kits I had, but hadn't used for a long time, so I placed them in the bank. My Ticket ID is #2,436,149
There was a few times where a glitch allowed Bridge officers to have off-duty outfits. That led me to believe the problem is more with 'permission with CBS' than with programming.
There's also this scenario. 1.) Player is flying around, shooting stuff in a borg STF 2.) Without noticing until it is too late, Player gets boarded. 3.) Loading screen to switch to the ground map of the player's ship 4.) Five seconds into the ground fight, it goes into another loading screen to switch back into the space…