Don't be a fool, being a fool is a choice, choose not to be a fool. The queues that are most popular are the queues that do not have time gates. This is not going to change, EVER. Nobody likes just sitting there waiting for a timer to complete, with nothing to shoot. "I guess I will just do my Admiralty missions while I…
They could release a thousand new ships and it would not make any difference to me. In all reality, every "ship" in the game is nothing more than a "point"(graphic designers will know what I am talking about), the looks of all the ships is merely cosmetic. As all the statistics are attached to that "point". Everything we…
I just saw this on my launcher after being away for a couple weeks playing another game and all I can say is..... Bwahahahahahahahahahahaha! (Seriously when I read that blog post I really did audibly laugh, so that was a direct quote.) Is this leftovers from April fools? Good one Cryptic, good one, you definitely fooled…
Same problem here, they better jump on this one, fast. It is not like I have not been waiting 6 months for a fix to the earned reputation costumes on my AoY toon.
That is preposterous! People DO play on Tribble test server before content patches. They DO report on the bugs found there. The bugs just aren't fixed by the time the content is released. They absolutely refuse to fix those things. They absolutely refuse to delay launches until things are corrected. You comment is…
This is very disappointing. The battlezone is one quarter of the new content. They released to us three quarters of what they had and left the other quarter out. Perhaps maybe they should have kept the release of the season a week out, releasing it a week from today instead of today. I find it impossible to believe they…
If there was no end-game grind I would have quit a long time ago. That goes for everyone else too, including you. If there is no grind then what reason do you have to login at all? The whole "I hate grind" argument is shortsighted and old. If there was something I would remove from game, I would remove.... no, scratch…
Oh, so you want to pay more for master keys? Because that is what is going to happen if the cap is raised or eliminated. How much do you want to pay for each key? 10m? 20m? 100m? All of the exchange prices on everything obtained by way of lockbox or lobi will increase in proportion to the increase in refinement cap. So…
I have not seen too many AFK'ers, if any at all, in the hundreds of runs I have done since this began almost two weeks ago. However, I do see a LOT of people who playing on their weaker alt toons for the eventual 50k dilithium ore reward. I am not hating on them, I was one of them once upon a time, so I "get it", but it…
There is a simple and VERY effective way of lowering DPS. First off, you need to give boss type enemies an instant kill skill that kills the highest DPS character in the party at set intervals during a battle. Second, you give all enemies their appropriate equipment. Borg use borg rep gear, and mk XIV epic weapons, and you…
They weren't anything but vendor trash anyway, they just added a small amount of value to this already, trash. Whats the big deal then? I mean, they gave more value to an item that was as useless as they come. OP and others like him should be happy then.
I can't believe any of you actually trusted them to do this right. You know they are terrible at developing this game. They are bad developers, have they ever shown you that they know what they are doing? Seriously, me and everyone I know removed their kits and kits modules before the patch, pretty much everyone in the…
I have been chewing on this game since the day it went free to play. It takes me at least 2 months to get a character up to 80k DPS, which I consider to be end-game range. And I am insanely efficient, I have done it, now, seven times. And on that character there is still work to be done. You are not done yet, not done…
They are going to eventually respond to you by telling you to delete your settings file and also to force verify your files. DON'T DO IT!! It is a waste of time by the ignorant customer service reps to suggest it and a waste of time for you to do it. It will not work even though they may insist that it has worked for some,…
1. I cannot give an accurate percentage on this one, but I can tell you that EC is capped in foundry missions, once you get your quota for a day you are done for 20 hours. And it is not even enough to fill your basic free to play-non-subscriber inventory even once. So foundry missions are NOT a good source of income. 2.…
People actually use shooter mode? I remember back to the very first day I played this game, the day it went free to play. I accidentally entered shooter mode and the controls were so messed up and the interface was so slow that you could not even compare it to, say, a REAL first person shooter that it felt broken even…
Anyone here saying that farming for drops is not "worth it" is just being ridiculous. Think about it, where exactly do you think all those Energy Credits made on the exchange come from? You think those Energy credits were attained from just Tour the Galaxy and the Admiralty system alone? Yeah, NO. People like me, who go…
They are toys, you are happy about toys. Ugh, with so much broken in this game now and more with every new content update, you are happy with toys. Whatever.
I am very unhappy that getting the upgraded item breaks the ground costumes. I have a toon, my AoY toon, who has now 7 ground sets, only 3 of them actually work, one of them is missing pieces, the rest are broken completely. And Cryptic does not seem to be in any kind of hurry to fix it. But I worked for those, hours,…
How do you know that everyone was wrong? So many people were complaining, what if they just did this because of that? Do not mistake this post as a complaint though, I already have this set, it is good they decided to do something, ANYTHING, to commemorate the occasion though.
It is now starting to sink in with people that nothing of any significance is happening today to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the event that made this game even possible. Same thing going on today that was going on a week ago, that was going on a month ago that was going on a year ago. Nothing special going on in…
Your reward is the surprise. The surprise that they are doing nothing but the same business as usual. So.... SURPRISE!!!!! 50 year anniversary and NOTHING IS going on. FYI, packs releasing is not an event, they do it all the time it is business as usual. The Aoy event is over and past. And new ships are released all the…
The change they made to EC income was irrelevant. The amount of EC to be made off of contraband, before the nerf to it, was only a tiny slice, a small fraction of the income possible in the grand scheme of things. For instance, I was able to acquire over 200m EC every 2 weeks before the contraband nerf, and now after the…
I am not happy with this, not at all. I mean, there are tons of bugs in game right now, tons of them. There should not be one single person in their office that has the time, not even a couple minutes a day, to coordinate this. And here you all are, taking a break yourselves from asking them to fix their numerous bugs, to…
This issue is not just limited to AoY toons, it is also happening to "normal" toons and also Delta Recruit toons. It is happening to everyone. And it IS game breaking. This issue should be priority number ONE at this current time. Were this a single player game it would not be so severe, a simple reload of a saved game…