That might not have been the case if KDF had been remotely as fleshed out as Fed at launch... Have you considered that adding to KDF might in fcat attract new players to the game?
You're close to making me want to park my Charal for a little while...long enough to unpack my Ambassador from the box it never came out of, and noodle with it some... Thanks for the vids. :)
You know, when we manage to wash the stain of First Nation's kids being forcibly taken from their homes and families and forced into indoctrination schools, and the rash of abrogated treaties/steamrolling that's been done to them...and the constant war between Quebec and our own hands, you can start mouthing off…
Until the past couple of days I had been plagued by this too...from the west coast of it's not just a Europe thing. I feel your pain. I take each login that I don't have unplayable lag and rubberbanding as a win right now, which is a pretty sad state of affairs. It would be great to see a post from them saying…
You don't suppose that, perhaps, they have people who get paid to do PR/communications who could be reporting on the issue without taking coders and network engineers away from their jobs, do you?
And the fact that you have no issues helps those of us who Help, report an issue, or post somewhere else. This is utterly ridiculous, guys. Give us some feedback on what you've found and what you're doing about it.
And by the way, stop merging threads for different issues. People who are losing the desktop icon shouldn't have their posts hidden in here. Inappropriate modding.
Slideshow lag, literally seconds between button press and acknowledgement in space, click engage button for a ground game...and I engage alright...right out of the game to the login screen, disconnected again. Jesus guys, tell us you have the thing being worked on and that you actually give a damn. Tell us that at least.
It's glorified Monster Play from LotRO. The storyline is comparatively non-existant, when stacked up the if that's what you want out of the game, then I'm glad it's to your liking.
Brilliant, after some measure of decent gameplay yesterday I wake up this morning to slideshow lag and constant DCs when zoning or transwarping. Login server may or may not talk to me as well. Pings straight to the login server bomb 25-75% of the time, pings straight at the patchserver bomb roughly 25% of the time.…
Glad you're running well again. :) This part of that letter made me laugh though. You may have to uninstall your mouse, your keyboard, skype, vent, mumble, windows media player, real player, quicktime, iTunes, and all other games you have in order for our game to work. Priceless. :D In other news, I'm back to having…
Of course, for the fans at home, otaku forgets ('t know?) that ADSL is but one flavor of DSL...and that SDSL has upload speeds just as fast as download speeds (you can pay for the same service from cable providers as well, folks). He also forgets (again...or just doesn't know) to mention VDSL which has the…
Thank you for showing that you don't know TCP/IP nearly as well as you think you do. Now, since you can't and won't do anything more helpful than spam the same thing over and over in this thread, would you please do those of us who are having issues and trying to keep heat on PWE/Cryptic to fix what they have acknowledged…
Here was their response: >>> v4liance Cryptic Studios Team Join Date: Nov 2012 Posts: 12 # 85 Friday, 06:52 PM Hey everyone, Really sorry about the latency and disconnect issues you're having. Right now, our engineers are aware that some of our players are experiencing these issues, and they're working on fixing it. Again,…
If you continue with the continual stream of non-responsive, non-helpful posts in this thread I'm going to have to report you for trolling. I pointed out that the user received a "guess" pointing them to something on their end, while just yesterday in this thread staff clearly owned up to the responsibility being theirs.…
Yes, and you might get this [sarcasm]brilliant[/sarcasm] response: >>> DarthPanda16 Tech Support Machine Join Date: Jul 2008 Posts: 1,431 # 176 03-14-2013, 08:25 AM You can try using the proxy connections in Options on the game launcher that might help. Asking your ISP for a new public IP address might help too. >>>
That's not entirely accurate, or their staff would not be posting this: v4liance Cryptic Studios Team Join Date: Nov 2012 Posts: 12 # 85 Yesterday, 06:52 PM Hey everyone, Really sorry about the latency and disconnect issues you're having. Right now, our engineers are aware that some of our players are experiencing these…
Do you get paid for this drivel? The fact that there is a ToS that says these things can go wrong without you having a recourse doesn't make fixing them your problem. Logic much? I'll go slow: It is still their problem. They are the service provider. That they can not be held legally liable for damages in no way makes…
"It's their job to sort this out" won't phase you in the least, will it? I spent the better part of two decades in IT management at one of the largest retailers in the US. I project-managed the deployment of the 250+ pizza boxes, storage, database, and middleware servers that run their e-commerce site. I also ran the…
It's pretty easy for me to say it's not my internal issue when EvE runs flawlessly, MWO runs flawlessly (as flawlessly as it ever does), SWGEmu's test servers are happy with me, large (1/2 gig) graphics files go happily to and from the ftp server I administer for the school I work at, and yet there are issues here. Given…
I think if you ran a poll of people who only play KDF you would get a far different opinion than the one you seem to have. Based on my own KDF play it's nothing remotely close to as fleshed out as fedspace is.