Truth is, this is very POORLY run. The fact is, they should have stood up a tandem environment, checked stability and used a regular maintenance to "throw a switch" and come up on the new hardware / infrastructure in a lot less time... although, I'm sure like any other Cryptic deployment, it will be bug ridden and have…
Nagrom!! DUDE, totally off topic, but your signature is FANTASTIC!!! Nicely done sir.
I'm ready for some REAL fixes man... we're a month into this and we still have unresolved issues with things. You guys work like you're Government contractors... "Eh, we'll get to it when we're ready...". Did sequestration affect Cryptic Studios?
I do have the Breen space set equipped... and thought I disabled the visuals. If I try to change the ship material, I have 6 choices, but the skin doesn't actually change when I select a new choice. I'll check again this afternoon. Thanks guys :)