The warp-in plants appear to be a result of a Miracle Worker specialty skill. This can likely be solved temporarily by not using the Miracle Worker specialty while on Pahvo.
I got stuck in the center crystal once when it healed at the beginning (when the paths show up). I guess I was standing too close. It has what appears to be an invisible hexagonal wall around it. /stuck and reloging didn't help ... but ... you can beam out when the game sets up for the end battle in the center. Up until…
You do realize of course that people don't generally go online to a games forums to give praise to a programer/business for doing things right the first time or for fixing things they do wrong. Problems more commonly result in action. From the businesses perspective, and from the customers, it's better to not have…
People don't usually read entire threads before commenting. But they do come to the forum to find or make a thread to comment on a subject. Most people here are commenting on the subject or the content of the Original Post. BTW, it's customary on forums to update Original Posts with valid updates. When the OP adds the…
Seriously needs an off button!!! And why have it when a player is changing characters too... switch between 7 or 8 characters within an hour to transfer stuff or start daily DOFF missions, see the landing page ads a dozen or so times. Come on. I'm a lifetime subscriber, I didn't pay to see full-screen, game access delaying…