I meant the ones whose spaceships shoot other players' spaceships. That other stuff... eh, maybe the people doing it pretend they're PVPers, but let's face it, they're not.
Look, I get that you're still butthurt over that time I caught you and your pal trash-talking me behind my back, twice, including one video, but when my photons do the same amounts of damage my quantums do, but at 25% better rate of fire and much higher crit, yes, they are better than quantums, and you're an idiot for…
Except with STO's recent lag and latency issues, your scenario plays out a little like this: You crouch until player/NPC gets close. You start mashing the roll function while the enemy hits you in the face with its weapon/claw/poopshovel. Your corpse rolls away 5 seconds later with 100% dodge, and then you respawn inside…
It's a damn shame. I'm always excited to try out new torpedo types. This one is just a massive let-down. I regret spending the resources required to obtain it, and upgrade it to XIV.
It's not just the radiation damage from Enh. Bio-mol/vanilla Bio-mol photons that makes them kick TRIBBLE. It's a combination of factors: fast refire rate, quantum-equivalent damage, 8-sec slow proc, obscene crit chance (when comboed with grav torp set,) AND radiation on top of that.
Well, at least this removes the need to travel to the Delta quad. And in a way, since doffing was the last thing I did in STO regularly (now that PVP is dead) it also removes the need to keep playing.
Uh... I don't think it's a nerf, dude. With the max bonus from this trait, plus your ship's base crit, you'll still be hitting 60-70% crtH on your exotic powers... except, now you get 40% more crtD. You're trading "always crits" for "crits two thirds of the time" and gaining a buttload of damage variance in the trade. I…
Will it ever. [Combat (Self)] Your Feedback Pulse II deals 299962 (434444) FeedbackPulse(Critical) to T'Nera. This is what my FBP currently does. Can't wait to see what it'll do with a bunch more CrtD.
Yeah, there are times when STO runs smoother than a pureed baby's bottom, but they're rare. 90% of the time, there's enough lag to make me alt+F4 and play something that doesn't connect to the internet via smoke signals.
They barely seem to do more than 1,500-2,000 rad damage a pop (and that's with my radiation damage bonuses.) Am I missing something? What sort of damage do you get? The radiation procs on my bio-photons and neutronic torp do more damage than this power at present, and they don't require wasting a boff power slot, and have…
Science and command... never considered that combination, but I see the potential now that you mention it. Massive resist debuffs, buttloads of rad/phys/shield-ignoring-kin damage... yeah, that could work in a mean way.
EXCITING UPDATE! The new "Structural Integrity Collapse" engi boff power is amazing. It's a physical DoT, and phys/kinetic resist debuff. It can be reapplied very frequently if you also run Aux2bat, and the results speak for themselves: [Combat (Self)] Your Isokinetic Cannon deals 100173 (46160) Kinetic Damage(Critical) to…
Double tap? Psh... with that trait, I think I could pull off a quad tap. 2 copies of BO... activate one, don't fire it... wait for 2nd BO timer to nearly refresh... fire first BO, get second one from trait during lock-out period... fire 2nd boff BO when lockout clears, get 4th total from trait right afterward.
Severely under-powered, this doff. I can equip 3 of them on my torp bomber, and receive a maximum of 15% damage with just torps... OR, I can equip Torosek + Exocomp, and receive 20% damage to all weapons any time I pop a weapon battery. Highly recommend buffing it so it's not actually worse than other options.
I did, they're all set correctly. Tried reloading the bind setup, tried clearing it and starting fresh. The Delta toon is just incapable of running right on ground maps. It's like the Shift key disables the D (move right) key.
Exciting update: Used /bind A +left to fix the Delta account's ability to run left in RPG mode. Three out of four directions isn't bad! Running right still doesn't work. Tried /bind D +right to no avail. Holding down shift prevents me from moving right in RPG mode.
Still level 4. Doubt it'll go far beyond that. Upon review, the rewards for slogging through a bunch of PVE I hate, are too miniscule to offset the boredom of the task.