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harrymonkley Arc User



  • The Heg'ta and Vo'Quv are both very nice - I fly the Heg'ta on my Tac and the Vo'Quv on my Sci. Very different playstyles, but I enjoy them both.
  • I run 2 tricobalt mine layers + 1 turret + 4 DHC on one character in an advanced escort; TT1,CRF1,APB2,DPB3 TT1,CRF1,APB2 Dispersal pattern beta 3 has a 30 sec cooldown, and I use 2 tricobalt mine launchers which have a 1 min(30sec shared) cooldown allowing me to TRIBBLE 4 tricobalt mines on the big targets in ESTFs every…
  • If you want to improve your build for both PvP and PvE, really the best source of information is the Hilbert guide which you can find here http://hilbertguide.com// I got referred to it when I first started playing STO, and it is essential reading - setting up a keybind is particularly important, and once you have the key…
  • I'm looking forward to not having to use the rep interface anymore - there really should be an autofill option that circumvents the annoying UI if you have the necessary EC for the commodities and consumables - the repetition is horrible, especially with multiple toons. At some point the devs might finish the rep system…
  • Bind files are unique to character, and completely separate for space/ground, so you need to do it while in your ship and not while on ground. You can test that the bind is working correctly out of combat in system space (your weapons won't fire, but all the other bound abilities should cycle if you sit in sol outside ESD)…
  • No measure will make all players happy (even the free Breen ship is generating complaints) - but if average players were only managing to refine ~3K dil per day prior to S7 (when easy dil from clickies was still available), it stands to reason that the vast majority of players who are not hitting the refinement cap or…
  • Your equipment loadout is pretty solid, but your Boff abilities could probably be improved; I would pick something like this Sci: Polarize Hull, Hazard Em 2, TSS3 Eng: EPTS1, EPTS2 choose either CRF+THY or CSV+TS, Attack pattern Beta for PvE, Attack pattern Omega for PvP Tac:TorpHighYield1/TorpSpread1 Tac:TT1, CRF1/CSV1…
  • Spend some time figuring out what content is actually available to play (the wiki has a list of daily missions which pay dil). Try some doffing. Trade stuff on the exchange. Learn about the game mechanics and improve your ship build - the levelling process really doesn't teach you anything about this, and the in-game…
  • I was using an example of how microtransaction games make money from impulse sales. Regardless of whether people play in fleets or not, the f2p model relies on cash rich players with low impulse control opening their wallets because they gotta have it now, or before everyone else - people are already flying the breen…
  • Why would anyone want to buy unrefined dil? Lets assume I am a time poor cash rich whale who wants to complete the latest limited time project to make my starbase shiny - I break out the credit card, buy some Zen, use the Zen to buy 200K refined dil and get to instantly gratify my desire for the new shiny things. If the…
  • No. Fleets and embassies should never give buffs to player stats the same way that the reputation system does - this would patently unfair to players that choose not to be in a fleet, and those that choose to remain in small fleets which have a hard time progressing their starbases/holdings. I don't really like the rep…
  • As I said, when logged on to my KDF toons I get the fleet chat from the fleet my FED toons are in, and the reverse when logged onto my FED toons. S7 has broken the chat system for me, with team and match chat being often unusable, and any channel subscriptions being applied globally to all toons. This could be caused by…
  • I get the fleet chat from opposite faction toons, but no access to the correct fleet chat for the toon I am logged in on since S7 started. I'm thinking that if this also applies to fleet permissions it would allow someone with high rank in one fleet to run amok regardless of their status by using alts in opposite faction…
  • You can leave an alt in your own base just in case you change your mind or things don't work out, but you retain all your fleet credits from progress to date when you transfer to a new fleet.
  • Here is a radical solution; If you are in a small fleet that socialise with each other, but struggle to complete the projects, why not continue to socialise with each other in a larger fleet where many hands make light work? After looking at the requirements to progress the starbase of the small fleet I was in past tier 1,…
  • If you look in the PvP section, in the Ship Building general help thread, there are several examples of aux2bat builds. The basic theory is this; You use 3 rare or better quality technician doffs which reduce the cooldown on all boff abilities each time aux2bat is used, in combination with 2 copies of aux2bat - this…
  • Let's see what the specs are before committing to another grind - if it just looks different, but offers no new functionality it won't be a priority for me. My inner cynic suggests that it may have special weapons or an ability console that is only usable on the ship, but which must be purchased seperately via the lobi…
  • Any ship can be made survivable and effective; go here and read this http://hilbertguide.com// If you stick to the basic guiding principles of 2 copies of Tac Team and Emergency Power to Shields and place them in a keybind as explained in the guide, any ship will have excellent survivability and you don't need to think…
  • I think that your observation that there is a dynamic system in place that checks recent completion times and adjusts the qualification criteria accordingly is exactly what is happening. Adjusting qualifying status dynamically is really problematic - because once a mission loses qualified status people are less likely to…
  • Take a look at this http://sto-forum.perfectworld.com/showpost.php?p=6904411&postcount=244 this guy really knows how to build cruisers, I use the 2 atb system on a mirror star cruiser with 8 beams, and it works really well.
  • Even if it is as formulaic, bland and tedious as the fed content? I'm not trying to argue that the KDF shouldn't get more content, or doesn't deserve it, and I think that the KDF as a faction has much more interesting possibilities in terms of gameplay due to the way that the KDF is structured - houses providing…
  • KDF > Fed IMHO; Sometimes less is more, the feds get more story missions, but they are basically very samey and repetitive and quite tedious, they get more ships but they are 47 varieties of bland, and more costume options - KDF is for warriors not wannabe fashion models, and who needs space whales that look like a dinner…
  • It would be helpful to actually name the missions that are working - fed side there are a huge number of missions, and the ones I tried were all bugged(I gave up after 4 in a row). However I never realised that teaming would resolve the same mission multiple times, so thankyou for sharing that information.
  • Maybe you need to revise your build/tactics? I'm using the Vo'Quv with advanced BOPs, and I wouldn't describe it as a weak setup, quite the opposite in fact, but it did take me some time to master. The carrier commands are key to using the BOPs IMHO, recall to force them to disengage and cloak and then setting them on an…
  • Look on the Episodes tab, scroll down through the klingon war and the skip button is there, the 'in progress' tab only allows you to drop or turn in missions.
  • Latest patch doesn't appear to have fixed the issues with NPCs despawning leaving missions impossible to complete - I picked one at random, and I'm not going inclined to test out any more missions to see if it is an isolated problem on the one I tried.
  • Vandal destroyer for the plasmonic leech console should be top of your shopping list in the Zen store, even if the people you are shooting are specced to resist the energy drain, you still get the energy boost.
  • The reason that Cryptic can squeeze $$$ from consumers is because the consumers in question are not exercising good judgement. In a consenting transaction, where both parties understand the nature of the transaction, both parties bear responsibility for entering into the transaction. Let me illustrate with an example - I…
  • "A fool and his money are soon parted" - old English proverb Here is a small thought with big implications; All the lobi and lockbox items are entirely optional purchases.
  • There is one obvious issue with this idea - whatever you can transfer is available at lower cost for low tier starbases. If you could merge XP or provisions, large fleets will simply create new small sub fleets in order to cash in, even if the merge was only a percentage, it would be economically smarter to go away and…