It's been around for ages now, that bug. I've contacted support on multiple occasions, with the same result each time (pretty much). Them being "unable" (which i highly doubt - but that's just me) to help. They'll just tell you to submit a bug report and post stuff on the forum. But THAT'S not gonna magically create doffs…
Same thing just happened to me -_- Again... "Oh, hey! So we have this cool feature here where you can send your crew on some missions, buuut... Yeah, we're not actually giving you a crew, lol!" Or at least it sure as heck feels like it.
Okay, so i managed to solve it myself, after a bit of blind-fire experimentation. It seems to have been related to the screen resolution. After i switched it to 1024x768 (not my monitor) and then back to 1360x768 (my monitor), it seemed to have "reset" the positions... *shrug* /closed
This. Seriously, please stop it... "Oh hey there, look everyone! That one cool ship from that show or movie, and it is also a lot better than the garbage we sell on the Zen-Store! All you gotta do is keep gambling until your bank calls you for suspicious account activity! And better hurry up, because we will only be…
Aight, so here are my two cents to all of this recent bollocks... Since i am still fairly new to this game... Summer event? Cool! Free tier 6 ship for just a bit of daily effort? Even cooler! Baseball? I honestly don't know. It's not that popular in my corner of the world (afaik). Yeah, baseball WAS a bit of a thing during…