Hey! Just to add on I'm having the same issue as above also. Its like stuck in a loop with it asking me to "continue" at the end. Sadly its not progressing me any further nor getting end of mission rewards. Good mission though, amazing music!
The fun part of it is that we would like to invite the entire Star Trek Online community, all fleets, all solo players, just to come by hang out and join in with the games and quizzes we have layed on... even the raffle is open to all (all weekend details here). A weekend to relax and get-together!
STONEWALL FLEET IS RECRUITING! STAR TREK ONLINE'S PREMIER LGBTA FLEET ESTABLISHED 2008 For the next few weeks, Stonewall Fleet and our KDF fleet, Nag Red have planned several events that take place within STO, We encourage all Armada members to come join us, and win prizes as they have fun gaming together. Check out our…
STONEWALL ARMADA IS RECRUITING! FEDERATION AND KDF FLEETS STONEWALL FLEET EST. 2008 For the next few weeks, Stonewall Fleet and our KDF fleet, Nag Red have planned several events that take place within STO, We encourage all Armada members to come join us, and win prizes as they have fun gaming together. Be sure to check…
Its a cute promo for the new series... but sadly STO players who have been playing for 3+ years probably already own half of these items, through freebies and giveaways.. or already bought. its good for new players though! as someone said.. if the galaxy was T6 and the constellation was T6.. i think we would jump on it.
STONEWALL FLEET IS RECRUITING! STAR TREK ONLINE'S PREMIER LGBTA FLEET ESTABLISHED 2008 Join Stonewall Fleet for our annual White Winter Whirl! A day filled with frosty fun with fellow Fleetmates & Visitors (all are welcome) on Saturday 28 December 2019. The main event will see many different activities including...*…
T&Cs 10. Open to legal residents of any 1 of the 50 United States and the District of Columbia, and Canada who are at least 18 years old. nothing for ROW again. but im guessing the import tax would be a big amount that we would have to pay anyway
Annual event: This Valentines Day Stonewall Fleet will be giving each member of our fleet one Stonewall Credit plus a R&D pack to send to that someone special in the fleet. Who you send it to is your choice. They may be a battle buddy.. Someone who has helped with a ship build Someone whos entertaining in fleet chat..…
Stonewall Fleet has x4 Tier V Fleet Starbases + Fully Complete Fleet Holdings Since our founding 10 years ago, our fleet has grown in membership, so much so that alt Stonewall fleets have been made. With Stonewall fleet being our main fleet, and the House of Nag red being our KDF aligned fleet, then Deep Space Stonewall…
STONEWALL FLEET IS RECRUITING! STAR TREK ONLINE'S PREMIER LGBTA FLEET ESTABLISHED 2008 Stonewall Fleet continues to recruit new members! There's an endless number of fleets in Star Trek Online to choose from, "so why join Stonewall?", you might ask yourself! Well, Stonewall Fleet is home to one of the most amazingly…
Just had another fleet event, Reflection day.. where we all change out our ship builds and load them up with weapon types we never have done before, flew them into battle.. costume contests.. Discord quiz.. lots of events lots of Prizes! a small group of us making a mess as per usual Thanks for coming! Join us!! we are all…
I think you have to wait a few mths until a "Claim leadership" button appears on the fleet rosters. (or it could have appeared already, ask them to click on the fleet roster tab.. or any tab under "your fleet") The only people who will be able to see that button are the highest ranking officers.. so you may have to wait.…
Only a handfull of fleets could give away crazy 1.5 bil EC ships as Prizes over the pride weekend.. thats why I love it. won a few more things too in the Quizzes
Hey datfmirage, Yea we will be on Risa for that particular event, on the top level of the promenade that sells the surf boards. If you.. or anyone wants to join the dedicated channel (info on the link) updates/times & locations of events will be made on there, we can shoot anyone a team invite if they are having trouble…
Its Amazing to see that the majority of you will be dropping by to join in and have fun. Its a day all about coming together for fun, peace and love of the game, no matter who you are, we do and plan this for the entire STO community. feel free to take part in any of the competitions here "fleet.stonewallgaming.net/pride"…
Im having the same problem... with CC armor, and Voth armor. No helmet option. the body shows up unter the selected armor drop down menu... just not the helmet. on my Trill and Romulan