Yes but you encode it into your mission descriptions. Almost no one cares about a game foum unless their character just can't complete the damn feature episode and is caught in a time loop, I like Tasha Yar, but this is the fifth time... ahem. Do the work and make that list almost no one sees a part of those missions. It's…
That's just Cryptic playing favorites. I'm talking about a community... well at least just the upset story-types... taking matters into their own hands in a constructive way -- enabling those so inclined an easier way to find acceptable missions.
Perhaps you should recognize that the player who wants the cookies in the shortest amount of time is most certainly not the player you want playing your missions and rating it: 1/5 Dude ther izno combat usux
The one thing the "story" faction has got going for them is they've got Brandon. He should be asked to give the "story" group a guest blog on "How to Properly Search In the Foundry." This is a zero effort on Cryptic's part thing that has the most likelihood of giving you what you want right now. Give a list of approved…
I've been rewatching TNG every night lately, currently in season2. It was a fairly silly episode called "Up the Long Ladder," whose main feature seems to have only been Rosalyn Landor in a crop-top sweater. But that aside it deals with two lost colonies, one that is low tech and Irish, and the other a planet of clones (5…
I sincerely apologize for misconstruing intent. I think 15min baseline is and should remain the current reward structure and then calculate out from there. Someone with the willpower to sit through a three hour mission should get a heap of swag. Personally, I can't run those kinds of missions as I'd probably get frustrated…
The use of the Foundry was an excellent move by Cryptic to fix their mistakes and to bring the Foundry into wider use. More users of the system means a healthier, more rounded game. I don't think the gates can be shut to keep the impure out again without damaging the game as a whole. I am absolutely floored by those are…
I am completely opposed to the OP's idea. There is no return to some idyllic, halcyon time when few played the foundry and it was the plaything of only a handful of authors. Although OP's idea would be a great way to shrink the Foundry's profile and use. It's obvious Cryptic wants to expand the number of people creating…
In the Morrowind editor you could place sounds, set their range/volume. It was a great way to create ambiance. Shame that something from 2002 is superior to this engine. :(
They want a war. A cleansing of the Foundry missions lists. Enforced adoration from the masses. Hell, probably want a free beer cozy too. They're going to force Cryptic to "do something" if they keep it up. And I guarantee that Cryptic's solution will TRIBBLE everyone. Sensible things like an improved UI? What fun is that…
I'm pretty sure their threads of rage, mass reporting of missions and tweets helped expedite the last minute inclusion of the nerf yesterday. Strangely they've been pretty silent now they've gotten their way -- you'd think they'd be all over this forum dancing victory jigs.
The trolling part is the call for Cryptic to ban Foundry missions and the derogatory tone taken against missions he is prejudiced against. There are several authors on this forum who have asked for better search parameters without being a petaQ about it (and several who are just like the OP, whose threads are now closed).
No, because this forum already had this kind of elitism earlier in the week, ending in the Grand Timid Nerf. All this will do is start it all over again.
While space is currently nonviable, there are some types of ground-based grinders that remain, for the time being, very efficient methods of dil/fm acquisition. And I'm with you on season 8, I hope it's a return to the usual quality story content. I hate what seasons 6 and 7 have turned the game into.
I use them all the time. I've found that they will randomly hang up (low chance) and on a second play through be absolutely fine. I did find that on some maps, patrol will not work at all. Some maps, only certain areas are defective and patrol will work in other parts of it. So my guess is, their pathing AI and flaws in…
You're a little late to the party. All those who think they are the "Guardians of the Foundry" have already gone on a 1 star spree. And there are already plenty of people taking advantage of combat missions that don't have designs in place to ensure the mission remains within the guidelines.