OK. After swapping over to a little bit of a torp build, I was not happy with the results. Tried a similar setup on the nebula with a few changes and I think it worked out better. I may port the changes to the Vesta and give it another try. I may not be happy with the damage I was doing previously because of the gear I…
fitted out the tac vesta last night on my engineer and noticed/realized that the cannons might be a problem. I have been looking into the torp discussion and have been thinking about tinkering around with it even though I cannot build it out very well currently. I ran a couple of alerts and the setup seemed to be pretty…
From what it sounds like it is doable? If I use one of the Vestas will the cannons on it work or are there better things that I should use? I do not have much EC to use on the exchange and I am in the process of leveling up my R&D since it was reset with the R&D Revamp. I am also working my way through the new episodes and…