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What is the Arc Client?
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gravitate1 Arc User



  • While the armor is active you can do everything you can do when it's inactive, except fire energy weapons or have shields up. You can still fire off sci abilities and torps... So, what you're asking for is an impenetrable torpedo-boat with more science abilities than an average sci ship because this one doesn't even need…
  • Glad to see the MVAE has been fixed. I'm disappointed this doesn't apply to all c-store purchased ships though. If you buy a c-store ship there should be a reduction of mods for it's fleet variant, imho. I was hoping to invest in a few fleet ships. My thought was I'd buy whatever mods were necessary, of course, but if…
  • So, when registering under PWE, if the account name we choose is red then you were unable to reserve it for us? What happens to our in-game @handle? Right now, mine is as it's always been, but my username had to be changed, as did my forum name... so eventually will I lose my @handle too? I hope not!
  • /signed This forum design is terrible... I want MY username back. I don't want to have to make random additions to it to make it acceptable. I don't want some generic avatar. Where's my registration date of 2008?? And changing over to PWE for some crappy reward doesn't make this taste any less bitter!