Gotta love that this is not in the newest patch notes OR listed in the known bugs of said latest patch notes. You would think since they've fixed this before that it would be something easy to fix again, or wonder of wonders, not create the same bug again!
I would like to get some sort of confirmation that Cryptic is aware of and working on this issue. I submitted bug reports on Tribble, but of course their system never shows that I have any tickets. Can you bug report the bug reporting system? :tongue:
Remember that terrible ripping sound bug that cropped up with Logitech gaming headsets when Bajor was released? Well, it's baa-ack. I was testing on Tribble and it popped up as soon as zoning into a Fleet Blockade. It also started once enemies spawned in the Starbase Defense. I bugged it, but I want to make sure this gets…