I really hope this gets fixed in today's ( April 26 ) patch, it's not listed in patch notes though. this major glitch has been going on for over 3 weeks, no response, no messages, I mean, a simple "we are working on it" would suffice.
I came here for this, I spend almost half my game time in Dyson ground BZ, not because it is a good farm, but I actually love the zone. it has gotten ridiculous, I mean I do not need my away team, to complete stuff, but, many other players need their away team, to complete the missions there. on top of the away team…
I spend half my gaming time in Dyson Ground Battlezone. not just because the farming is so good, I love the map, its out in the open. there are usually only 2-3 instances running but on special event days ( marks, dil, ) I have seen 5 or more at any one time. Obviously the more content added, means players will be spread…
Normal only takes seconds if not instant. from Zone chat I can see instances numbered way over 100, so obviously many are playing this queue, at least in Normal. I have 15 char , and I been playing this on most,, NOT for the end reward, but for the competitive marks! the new PVP queues, ( Binary and Core etc ) have long…
Same here, cannot use any skill on Boffs that were trained in a specialization for those skill, example, an Eng, can only use Eng skills, even though it was trained as a temporal, and had temporal skills mounted previous to new season.