You get the 4 starter boffs, and that's it... I wish we were able to aquire more, but the powers that be decided otherwise. I could have used another engineer or scientist...
Yes, Cryptic did it again... announced a time and ended it earlier. They sure know how to make friends. Probably someone coded it to end at the start of maintenance, not considering it doesn't always end with maintenance. Edit: One question remains, though. Is upgrade event already over early, too?
Well, yes, you had to skip some episodes to get the ship earlier, too. The critical word here is some. Now I have to skip to almost the end of all story arcs, which just isn't feasible. Now I'm flying the free commander-lvl ship, always remembering how good-looking the Ambassador was, and not quite enjoying the game as…
Strange, I was able to claim the ship immediately after accepting Secrets. Without any work-arounds or shenannigans. I thought we weren't supposed to fly the C-store Discovery-era ship in the 23rd-century Discovery-era missions with a AoD character...
I believe you your thinking is too restricted. You take Foucault for face value, ignoring that most of his theorems can be easily recognized as Heideggers ontological understanding of being. But if you replace Foucault's "power" with "being" you have an original Heidegger, who was recognised as being the philosopher of the…
1: 3D Studio Max 2: XR 377's One too many, great fun with Barclay's daughter and STO phenomena on old ESD. Haven't played it in quite some time, can you even do it with new ESD? @gia42