If you want to join UCDF Cannonfodder i can invite you... We are an active Fed. fleet with members around the world and are looking for active members There is also a Kdf fleet we use for our Armada members with KDF toons... We have a discord server, so you can contact us easely. My ingame handle is @Big_Brother Hope to…
If you are still interested in a Federation armada. The UCDF Armada is a high lvl Armada , our gamma fleets do have a 20% Dill. Discount. Our armada members are all arround the globe, so there is always people online who can help out or who wants to play. Interested?? give me a pm ingame (@Big_Brother) or Use Discord…
got this solution from an armada member, it worked for me.... Changing the Proxy Options in the Launcher worked for me. Launcher -> Options (upper right) -> Set "Gameplay proxy" to "US" -> save :ok_hand: for EU players
My game is also crashed, rebooted the pc but that wasn`t helping...now everytime i try to login, it says that there is a failure and than the login screen disapears..... happend while i try to do the dranuur PVE.... now i cant login anymore.....