Honestly it is like the world just ended for you all. Go do something else during the down time. At least they are attempting to fix things rather than letting the game go to pot and just sitting around watching their coffers grow right? So what is the time was extended. Would you rather they release a broken game and have…
They took apart the servers and then put it back together and found out that they had left over pieces. That or they have these types of servers - https://ibb.co/n82xRF
Either someone somewhere doesn't know the basic dates and times in the modern world or they just don't care but according to their timezone, Friday isn't the 16th. If the maintenance was on Friday like it said it would be Friday the 17th, however the maintenance is on Thursday the 16th.
Well atleast I know I am not the only one experiencing this. Kinda bummer for me. Took a good while to get the sword because a Fleet mate had it and i loved it so much to only have it be bugged ta hell.
Of course the new ships wouldn't be on sale. Everyone wants them so they are going to keep everything at a non discounted price so that people will spend more money to get what they want. Money Making 101.