LTS is pretty much invalid. It was worth while a few seaons ago, now it's totally worthless. Craptic devalued it repeatedly so its not worth it. To people thinking of buying LTS? Don't. Get gold for 1 month, get he EC cap remover, and don't renew.
Probably because a lot of people of quit by now, and less players than when LoR launched. STO is on life support, instead of a blood transfusion, they're dosing the patient with gasoline and using a defibilator on its face in order to "save" it.
A child drawing the Enterprise with crayons had more thought go into that than the devs put into the new difficulty. Smarter AI and more boff powers to NPC would of been better. No, you just cranked up the HP by 1000% and the resists by a **** ton thinking that was a smart idea. No. It wasn't smart. Learn how to balance,…
Any word from the devs about this f**k up? Or do they want to remove kerrat and similar zones so we're forced to play their "sweet" new stfs? :P If I cant have kerrat as a level 60, really no point playing STO anymore. There is absolutely NO end game content at all. PvP is so f**king messed up and unblanaced, only the…
Kerrat is more fun than 99% of this new content and stfs. More fun than the arena and c&h pvp queues. c&h is so boring I'd rather have sex with neelix.