Same on PC. The PC 7th Fleet isn't vacant, but the only people left in it were 3+ years inactive last time I had the ability to check--Can't do that anymore now what Gateway went offline.
As an aside... 7th Fleet is the name I wanted to use when I created Frontier Fleet--but it was already used at the time. 7th Fleet is the only by-name fleet mentioned in in-game dialogue--from a computer readout in a Tal Shiar surveillance outpost, from the mission "Mine Enemy", intelligence reports states that ... since…
From my understanding, at least on PC, that's how it's SUPPOSED to work--when the last person leaves the fleet, it's supposed to delete itself. However, if there's even one person--even if that person has been inactive for years--it's stuck.
In many cases, I headcanon fleet names as unit mascot names... Mine, for example, 'Frontier Fleet' is the '7th "Frontier" Fleet'... because plain, simple '7th Fleet' was already taken at the time I created the fleet. A lot of times, you simply can't do that because some fleet names are incomprehensibly ridiculous, IMO. Of…
My wish list... 1. Parallel Storyline missions: Same linear story, from Academy to Endgame--but different, complimentary, paths to get there. 2. Return to War: After the Armistice is declared, leading to the Alliance--talks towards a more permanent peace treaty break down. Hostilities resume. Fed vs KDF PvP returns! 3.…
1) The Wrath of Khan 2) The Search for Spock 3) First Contact 4) Nemesis 5) Insurrection X) Galaxy Quest 6) The Voyage Home 7) Beyond 8) The Undiscovered Country 9) Generations 10) The Final Frontier 11) Into Darkness 12) The Motion Picture 13) Star Trek (09)
A few things I'd like in *my* perfect world (pun unavoidable) fantasy STO: Time flows with the in-game stardate clock * Today's date (as of this post) translates to Stardate 97149, which should be in-game year 2420 Parallel storylines Instead of every character (of the same faction) playing the exact same missions (as is…
That is purely decided by the fleet leadership. The Fleet Leader(s) [rank 7 permissions] Determine at which level a person has the authority to give out promotions (and demotions). Members at that level of permissions, or higher, can then promote you.
> @thay8472 said: > Do these on a monthly basis. :D Should be weekly. There are way too many great missions not to. Besides, if you limit the spotlight list to the 12 most recent features... that gives each mission a full 3 months of attention before being pushed out of the list by newer submissions. These "old" spotlights…
Two things I've done before... If your lone-gunman isn't an objective, and defeating him is optional, then you can place the rest of the mob BELOW the map's ground level. They'll fall to the bottom of the playable area and get stuck, but won't die. Up side: it's 100% effective. You won't accidentally get a second man. Down…
@kirksplat, if this list is still being maintained, could you add "[RSE] Citizenship" by Gawain_VIII to the Klingon mission list? It was reviewed by @drogyn1701 on Foundry Roundtable in April of last year.
My first idea was an ENT/Wells mash-up... but since @artan42 and @taranko pretty much already did that, I went with TNG/Wells, taking some inspiration from Daniels' Time Traveler outfit. Top: (Uniform - Jacket Loose) The Next Generation Season 1 Admiral Slot 1: I1 Slot 2: I2 Slot 3: A24 (Operations) / H5 (Science) / G24…
If you have the Spawn point selected when copying, it won't work, because you can only have one spawn point per map... Make sure you don't have that selected, and see if you can copy-paste everything else.
I had difficulty with that mission the first time around too... That particular D'd is probably the hardest enemy at that level with only f2p & loot-drop items, which is usually the case in first-run characters (if you're playing above level or with purchasable items, then it's cake). My final solution was to load a mine…
Helping my fleet-mate out a little bit. Here's detail info for the first mission in his series:Mission Name: Universe: Gamma Rising S1:E1 Author: matthewluctaylor Minimum Level: none Allegiance: Federation Project ID: ST-HICMM73XJ Estimated Mission Length: ? minutesA starship using experimental engines has got stuck in the…
I see this advice/suggestion/etc. all the time. It nearly always seems to have the undertone of "God, how stupid do you have to be? Just sell the fracking keys and buy the ship. Blasted newbs gotta ruin everything!" Thing is: This suggestion is actually very BAD advice. If everyone sold keys and nobody used them... then…
As my dad was fond of reminding me: "Just because everyone else does it, doesn't make it right or acceptable. Wrong is wrong. Period. Point blank. Never accept willful ignorance. Reject and correct at every opportunity." That we know of! B)
Hypothesis. In science, when speaking of, as yet, unproven conjecture, we call it an hypothesis. A theory explains what a thing does AFTER its already been repeatedly proven. A scientific Law, similar to a theory, has been repeatedly proven. However, a Law defines how a thing works. This is why we have both a THEORY of…
The CBS/Viacom split happened in 2005--two years after Paramount's so-called "Canon Policy". The thing to note with regards to the split ownership between shows vs. movies: CBS owns the entire franchise, they own "Star Trek" en masse, Paramount retains *distribution rights* only for the movies, but if you look at a…
The last official statement was from Paramount/Viacom in July of 2003. Since that statement, there has been no further official statement, retraction, addendum, or change at all... but consider--that was 13 years ago, an entirely different company, two seasons of Enterprise, three reboot movies, the Remastered TOS (which…
Yeah, the two suggestions posted here, at least visually speaking, are already in-game under different names. As others have pointed out, Tactical Assault Dreadnaught = Kara/Haakona Advanced Warbird (carrier); Kerchan-class Battleship = Ar'kif Tactical Carrier.
Just my opinion, of course, but I really... REALLY don't like this idea. Doing so would encourage even more farming, which would in turn lead to more grinding, which would cause a need for more min/maxed DPSing. YMMV, but I want to play Star Trek--NOT World of Warcraft in Space.
I picked option 2, because that's exactly what STO is: Less canon than the shows (zero is less than 100, right?), but it's still an officially licensed product, just like the TMNT toys. Now, if OP had asked "How much Licensed material should be considered canon as it applies to the STO continuity?" this would be a much…
IDK about the idea of unlimited refinement, but I wouldn't mind replacing the Veteran DOff Refinement mission with a 10k/day limit. Alternatively, keep the DOff mission as a reward for monthly subscribers, and having a 10k daily limit as a LTS incentive reward INTEAD of the DOff refinement mission.
I fly one of my favorites, the Regent. I could care less about stats, as long as it's functionally survivable without extreme levels of uber gear. If I can fly PvE without Min/maxing my DPS and stand a relative chance of completing the mission without dying, then I'm satisfied with the stats. All of my favorites seem to be…