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gaudior1233 Arc User



  • Since I already posted on the exploration stuff, I'd like to add another idea for non combat missions, and that is a whole diplomatic non combat game, which could involve the Doff's. My idea is to use the doff's much like the agents in a game from forever ago that nontheless had a great system. Basically, I believe that…
  • Yes it is a season away, and 8 should be interesting. Yet, for anything that could involve new game systems, which the Delta Quadrant almost surely might have to have, it's better to give feedback early, so that if nothing else we might spur the developer's imaginations. I'm sort of big on new game systems as opposed to…
  • This is something I think is important to get right almost right away. While the OP was somewhat right that Delta Quadrant content shouldn't take away game systems, it's important I think to do more than just a single mission like that. So my idea is to do a kind of mega FE, that takes part of the reputation system and…
  • Yeah I wasn't comparing it to any MMO like that, just meant since this is a game and that's a trend of gaming in general. If the other reference was too much sorry about that, but in terms of STO I do feel that there is enough value so far in terms of what I was talking about, the amount of time it takes to complete, and…
  • Maybe I'm showing my age here... but when did it turn that everyone needed every item in a game, any game, -Right now-. Or even soon for that matter. The greatest game I ever played that was PC and non MMO admittedly, was Bard's Tale 3. 8 huge dimensions, and absolutely no shortcuts while character building. The second an…
  • A participation meter... you know that might be interesting. Mostly because it could scale to the user. Instead of it being highest DPS or the like, maybe participation could be scaled by things like personal best DPS, or personal best amount healed... of course there would be a whole range below that, 50%, 75%, maybe even…
  • That's exactly what I was going for, great reply! Keep em up :).
  • I just thought of something. I know this debate is over concept art, but... imagine what a great story these questions would make. I mean, at least for the Federation, and for the others.... a -whole lot- of story could revolve around attempting to decode the hows and why's the Dyson Sphere's were built. They could even…
  • Just curious about something. I have a lot of major problems with disconnects and the like, server not responding issiues. Is it possible for players to see whether a player in a STF has gone linkdead or just AFK?
  • Sorry about that I know I get wordy when talking about game mechanics. But basically the biggest idea is putting in discoverable permanent civilizations, as well as continuing to improve the exploration aspects of the game. The ones now in the uncharted zones especially could use more missions and mission types in them.
  • I was wondering about that. Well even still sorry for the confusion there but I do still enjoy the exploration missions and would like to have them improved even further sometime in the future.
  • This is a problem that is also near and dear to me, and I think the original poster has part of this correct. However, let me add something to the mix. Using duty officers and missions to craft is awesome, but there would still be some loose ends to tie up to make it ultimately cool. Firstly, there is a disconnect between…
  • Just wanted to respond to that quickly and say anything territorial would -have- to include PVE for players who don't like to PVP. And I do know where your coming from. Not everyone likes to. Heck I'd end up doing most of the PVE things myself in such a system, so everyone can contribute to the control. Short post but…
  • I just want to say I think your right if I understand you correctly on this. I believe that in PVP, unless in special matches or something, Fed's should never PVP against feds. Also I think what you mean by all vs all to be some generic form of PVP where any faction ship fights against any faction ship friend or foe. This…
  • Just wanted to make sure people knew I meant in the future and not for the May update did I mean the PVP idea. They might be talking up the tech, and I wouldn't have posted this before the announcement of factions, that being true factions if they are that. And it might be beyond Cryptic's abilities. Frankly a game like…
  • I'd just like to refer people to a podcast given by the main producer. He was talking about -territorial- PVP eventually with PVE mixed in helping to gain territories and the like. My vision of what he meant was ala Starfleet Command 1 through 3. I personally think, with all three factions now coming into game, this is…