My sole reason for playing STO was the Klingon's B'Rel Bird-of-Prey. That has always been my favorite ship from the Star Trek universe. As soon as I unlocked the KDF, my Fed was shelved until after the game went f2p. I made an Orion instead of a Klingon but I flew my B'Rel Retrofit until the pylons developed stress…
For $800 a month, you could buy a really hot ride, pay mortgage on a really nice house, or spend it on a myriad other tangible objects in the real world. $800 a month on virtual objects is absolutely absurd. Nothing in this game is worth shelling out that kind of cash on a monthly basis. Can't say you'll be missed because…
I'm having issues with my KDF character losing her inventory and either her equipped personal items or her ship items. I've tried multiple transfers with her and none of them have worked. My Fed character transferred just fine with everything intact.
C-Store B'Rel = 2000 Zen Fleet B'Rel = 5 Fleet Modules (2500 Zen) or 1 Fleet Module (500 Zen) if you own C-Store B'Rel So 2500 Zen for the 5 Fleet Modules costs less than 2500 Zen for buying the C-Store B'Rel plus 1 Fleet Module? I know my math isn't the best but I fail to see where 2500 Zen costs more than 2500 Zen...
Yeah, getting the same thing. I have a second account that was never linked to PWE and it has the same issue. I'm guessing that if someone was to make a new account and try logging into the game for the first time would receive the same error message...