I think the biggest problem is that it comes as a bit of a cold truth for people. Some of STO's playerbase I imagine don't actually play many games at all, at least on PC and probably see no real reason to upgrade when STO runs fine enough on their old Windows XP machine. Heck, it could be running magnificently on those…
As someone who has Subspace Vortex available, I can tell you exactly what's going on. The rift targets an enemy and forms at their location, much like Gravity Well and such. It sits there in place and according to Subspace Vortex's tooltip, it's supposed to de-spawn in a set period of time, or after the player decides to…
I had a similar idea to yours, though a lot simpler. A.K.A: Here's how we shut people up about Intel BoPs. Upgraded versions of Tier 5 and Fleet Tier 5 vessels, as well as Tier 6 ships with Universal stations as well, could be able to slot Intelligence and\or Command bridge officers in those stations and utilize their…
No one is talking about it because there's no reason to care. I imagine very few people know how to access Tribble to begin with, let alone how to identify bugs and issues, and the general consensus nowadays is that, unfortunately, any criticism or user thoughts would seem to be totally ignored. It's not impacting anybody…
If I may add to this request: Have it unlock the Mirror material for all appropriate ships and craft, along with the registry. The Mirror Universe varieties of ship seem to have been pulled out of overall circulation. (Also is it just me or has the NX prefix vanished from the C-Store, as well?) EDIT: I just noticed that I…
When in doubt, check all of the forums. From Trailturtle @ Champions Online... It seems like billing is being buggy. My guess is that STO is so heavily integrated with billing and such that the game breaks into bits without it. Hence, the extensions.
I got my Chel Grett and Sarr Theln with active discounts. The Chel Grett comes from 2013, when the Raider was introduced. I got the Chel Grett during that year and the discount is active across all newly created toons. The Sarr Theln's discount also applies. I've acquired the Plesh Brek this year and no discount was…
No, Argala and Japori had mobs that weren't in line with the new system, and Elite difficulty wasn't scaling to what it was intended to. Technically, it was severely bugged, and I suppose it must've hurt some bottom line that we're not allowed to know or comment about without having some violent reaction from another…
Sources: http://www.incgamers.com/2014/08/league-of-legends-gw2-and-more-suffer-ddos-attacks http://www.gamechup.com/sony-confirms-psn-under-ddos-attack-under-maintenance/ http://diablo.incgamers.com/blog/comments/battlenet-diablo-3-ddos-attacks I've added them to the post so you can link them. It looks like a DDoS attack…
Listen up, people! It seems that a group of script kiddies is executing a DDoS attack on various game servers. Among the affected are the Playstation Network (PSN), a few Blizzard game services (WoW and Diablo III), Path of Exile, and apparently Cryptic's patch server (at the very least) has also been brought down, as this…
From a technical standpoint, this probably isn't a cause for any alarm as IDP.Trojan is a generic. It's not a surefire sign of any infection, just that it detected code that could be a Trojan. This is probably just a false-positive in action. Add it to AVG's whitelist and be on your merry way, unless Cryptic goes public…
The crew of the Kang are just showing off, clearly! Anyway, I joined a short while after the Legacy of Romulus launch. When I made it to the Deep Space 9 arc, I made it to the diplomats' conference. After talking with one diplomat, the Dominion fleet arrived from the Wormhole, boarded DS9, S'tass punched the Jem'Hadar, and…
Here's a thought. You know what the Borg like to do? Then again, you probably don't care because they don't make teh epic deeps. The trait system is far more customizable than you give it credit for. I assume you're complaining about reputation passives, in which case it's not as bad as you assume it is. There weren't that…
It's standard fare now. At any rate, I'm very sure that it's implementation into STO is purely as a background process to assist with patching, like I said. It isn't going to just up and download tons of malware one day, not without an announcement from PWE (or a load of threads on various forums about it). Excuse me?…
Pando Media Booster? Standard fare for MMORPGs, everyone. It's a background utility that assists in data management for downloading large files. In this case, it will only activate in certain instances for STO. I would presume that it's mainly used for the on-demand patching.
As far as an overhaul, I think it could work like this: When a shield facing of a target is below 20%, attacker is facing the weak shield, the attacker can use 'Boarding Party'. Transporter effect, and then the victim is subject to the boarding party's effects. As well, Boarding Party should have a DoT on the victim's crew…
For fixing the color palette, randomize the outfit (both upper and lower halves) and then rebuild it. Somehow, this separates the belt and the badge from each other.