Playing around with loadouts this morning I went with a variation of the dragon flagship build. Weapons: 3 polaron beams and 1 quantum on each end Positron deflector Solanae Shield Jem'Hadar Engines Kobali Warp Core Devices: batteries and subspace field modulator Eng consoles: -3x Armor (37% net armor against everything)…
I've updated the original post to show it with 3 shields (Dyson, Absolute Zero, and Jem'Hadar). I don't seem to have the Reman shield on this character, I think I may have accidentally deleted it :eek: Will post more shield skins when I can, but I don't have the ones requested above so it might take a bit to grind for them.
I only have the Reman and Dyson shields, will try to get pics when I get off work. I also have the Breen/Absolute Zero set and will see how that looks (I love the trail my engines leave with that set)
I can't figure out how to improve a skill that a boff knows (i.e. putting SP's into Gravity Well to reduce the cooldown). Where is the interface to do it now? Is is that gone now and we're stuck using all powers at the max cooldown? When logged in last night I was somehow able to train my Reman science BO in Transfer…
Got some math questions about this idea, can somebody confirm if this is right? PO's base cooldown is 3 minutes if you max out the SP. So that's 180 seconds. When you activate PO1 it will have a cooldown of 180/1.24 = 146.2 seconds Now if you get an additional 25% reduction from Doffs (which I believe you can do with a…
Will running PO1 with 3 doffs be enough to get the EptX abilities to the global cooldown? I've been reading through this thread and trying to see if it would work for a cruiser captain instead of having to rely on the A2B build and blow 2 eng powers for the same benefit.
I'm trying to understand if it would be too much of a damage hit to make it worth it. Suppose you go with 5 beams, 2 torpedos, and a mine launcher instead of the usual 7 beams plus torpedo. If you only have 4-5 beams hitting the target the drain will only be about -32 whereas 6-7 beams the drain is like -60. Not counting…
I'm not talking about the cooldown, I'm talking about the duration of the ability itself. I.e. Jam Targeting Sensors I lasts something like 12 seconds. Is there a skill that reduces that 12 seconds if somebody hits me with it aside from the damage threshold?
I got an efficient saurian boff as the level 9 boff reward on my fed engineer. The next boff award I got had another saurian, but it didn't have the efficient trait :(
OK, thanks :) 25 extra power? Are you sure about that? I could swear I read somewhere that if you max out an efficiency skill it gives you a total of about +9 power at 25 with all 9 ranks trained. Even with captain/boff skills you'd only get that up to like 15 max. Did I misread that?