[/ooc] That's quite an attitude you have there Sunseahl but I'll explain things further nonetheless. The entire concept of the STO Fugitive, the backstory, the idea of using ARG style puzzles, graduating from text to audio to video messages (never quite figured out the video bit) and the idea of the initial "finale" being…
[/ooc] Failed? Quite the contrary actually. 32,000+ views on this thread, 200+ followers on Twitter, hundreds of Reddit hits across multiple threads, teams being assembled to crack the puzzles and nearly three hundred players engaged in the fugitive hunt last weekend. Feel free to criticise as you see fit but the proof…
/ooc [out of character] There was no collusion between that podcast and Cryptic when the concept of the STO Fugitive was conceived. I had witnessed a number of in-game events and identified multiple strands of the STO community that were involved and yet separate. The purpose of the STO Fugitive as a character was to…
Finally, some of you have managed to defy your considerable deficiencies and disadvantages to discover my hidden message - misdirection. The tool by which I have observed you like rats in a maze of your own manufacturing. Every test, every puzzle, every clue has been leading you to this juncture. When you left Facility…
It seems that one of you has stumbled onto something. Taking the first letter of each clue then using a cipher displacment to reveal an anagram was an inspired leap. Unfortunately for you I had anticipated such an attempt and deliberately placed somewhat of a false hope for you there. Emergent hero? I think not but for a…
I have strived to avoid underestimating your capabilities but you just keep reminding me of your shortcomings with each successive challenge that I present. Despite this you are on the verge of understanding the message or at the very least, becoming aware of it. Stop trying to spin some fantastical tale by stringing the…
At last you have discovered all twelve clues. Now it is time for you to decipher the true purpose behind all of my challenges. You will need all twelve clues to accomplish this. (1 of 12) DNA resequencing (2 of 12) Amar Singh (3 of 12) Princep Khan (4 of 12) Khan Noonien Singh (5 of 12) Arik Soong (6 of 12) Cryptic Insider…
The final two clues have been made available: > http://t.co/UOMic7ATA6 > http://t.co/dlzusghVbx Once these two have been solved, you will have all 12 clues available to you. If you manage to decode the hidden message in them, I will explain February 8th. You are so close to being able to understand everything that has…
Correct: 9 of 12: James Moriarty 1 of 12: DNA-resequencing 4 of 12: Khan Noonien Singh Incorrect: 7 of 12: scimitar Tain ********************* 7 of 12 remains elusive. One person linked the P to Preservers. Another noticed Dukat. What is their connection in the grid?
Not even close. Clearly I set the bar too high, allow me to remedy that somewhat. 9 of 12 can be found while sipping tea, looking out at the Tyrrhenian Sea while caught between illegality and a cold place. => the solution is composed of two words from within the grid, the first is indicated by the geographical reference…
A team of your foundry workers was required in order to decode the contents of puzzle #7. Another enterprising chap managed a similar feat and provided a picture of his results: http://i.imgur.com/Xy6VfNV.jpg *************************** Now it is time for you to decipher each of the four clues within the exposed grid. 9 of…
Quite easily explained actually : T ' K O N would be five characters. Their empire has been referred to as either Tkon or T'kon in various literature over the centuries.
One of you enterprising young men and women has posted a solution to challenge #6 via the Reddit site (http://www.reddit.com/r/sto/comments/1wwwqb/a_new_puzzle_and_a_new_hint_from_stofugitive/cf6novs) Their solution: http://i.imgur.com/ePJGBqS.jpg This means that you now have the chance to uncover the embedded clue: > The…
Excluding the puzzle designation in that puzzle there are two more elements to be discovered. One of them is listed in kazamiyukarin's post. The other has not been uncovered by anyone as of yet. Each of the previous puzzles was purely alpha numeric in nature. This one includes elements where items may be interchangeable.
I have concluded my study of your communications systems. Transmissions have been sent to each of the channels that I have deemed worthwhile. February the 8th is fast approaching and nobody out there has solved clue #3 yet and there are still nine more clues before we get to the event. It's clearly time to pick up the pace.
Once more we journey through perdition's flames together. This is your third challenge: http://t.co/Fd0OpE90Wf I expect that recent revelations will allow you to locate at least one of the three embedded clue components quite easily.
So many of you have focussed on who the messenger is rather than pursue meanings within the messages. I shall decrease the steep incline of that learning curve for you here today. Those of you that have attempted to discern the meanings in my challenges have performed adequately thus far but we have barely begun your…
The speculation runneth over. Perhaps some new fuel for the fire is in order. http://flic.kr/p/j6EbYs Remember what happens to those who play with fire.
In a day and night of banging your craniums in frustration at my challenge, none have succeeded at finding all three components in the grid. There are four additional challenges to be found out there as well. Some are on these very forums but another is to be found in proximity to the House Of Snoo. Rather than lower the…
I would wish for the Klingon Empire to shrug off it's cloak of civility and reclaim the glory and honor that used to be synonymous with the utterance of simply that name. Too long have you languished in servitude, too long in mediocrity and too long in the shadow of foes that you once crushed beneath your boot heels. See…
I find it intriguing that so many have chosen to broadcast news from so many different sources. Perhaps this is one of your broadcast sites: http://imgur.com/suMSGAC
Ah Branflakes, the place where we first met will soon be gone. Well I suppose it's no real matter. We can always say that we'll have Wonderland. I've already been looking around for interesting places in this galaxy where future encounters might take place. http://imgur.com/8Zi3lV5