You want me to wish for something i want from the series into the game? Its obvious: ALL Enterprise era ships and the coresponding weapones (and a choice to fly them for the low lvl captains instead of the ships we have now ... but pls not zen again but free as a choice (like the klingon getting the old raptor the old bird…
As i saw in some other comments i have to go in again: STOP TALKING NONSENSE ABOUT THE Z-STORE ALREADY! If you forgot what it is to grind for something (LIKE IN REAL RPG GAMES!(RO at the front of all of them! and its STILL the best MMO in the world beating even WOW!) then LEARN IT again! thats the way games need to be! if…
I would like to see more Canon ships and weapones than the stupid "more DPS = good player" bull**** -, . It insults me that most of the players playing sto still see it as ordinary MMO wich it isnt and never wanted to be! DStahl if u can read this and i highly HOPE you do ... PLS listen to those who want fun and not just…