Well. That's that then. I will always love star trek, but we part ways here. Star Trek has LIVED off fan productions for the last 30-40 years. Up to the new movies, nothing was being done but fan productions and the odd comic/book here and there. The new guidelines are sickening and destroy any trust that they have with…
Fully agree. Im eying the bundle, as a huge TOS fan, but frankly there seems like there is not going to be anywhere for us to use the bundle. I dont fancy using a TOS ship 'just because' each time, it doesnt fit the universe and there isn't even any lore to support it (your ship is destroyed, you wouldn't just get another…
Needs more federation fleet chatter on the end. NO federation ship would abandon another so easily. Basically, it needs some back-and-forth with the Admiral asking us "Can we reach warp" etc, and we need to hail the fleet and report our warp drive is down. The fleet should offer to turn back and help, but the admiral…
I loved it...but It realy does feel like an extended tutorial. There was just..so much more to be had. So many hints at greatness, I mean we saw a certain man for ONE mission. Surely, he hasn't been modelled for just that? At the very least, I want to see ANY tos-themed current mission reflect the changes. I.E If we go…
As many have already said: There will be a minor storyline arc introduced for current characters, on all sides. The main focus of this expansion however is the TOS era, where you will make a new captain and play through from start to finish.
Well. We've progressed. It just..worked. Randomly. I was able to go through the mission right up to the space combat (good job on that by the way, the effects were awesome) but im stuck once again. Destroyed the enemy fleet and the mission will not update to say I have done so. Welp. Stuck again.
Aye, but the Caitian's were never included in TOS. They are exclusively a TAS and TMP era race, which means they may not be included in the TOS expansion :(
As has been explained thousands of times before: CBS prohibited the Constitution class from EVER being used as anything but a starting ship for a player. Those terms probably still stand, even in a TOS themed expansion pack.
I want to know an official response to this too.. I heard they dev's said they will only be including the four core races of the federation (tellarite, humans, vulcan, andorians) for the entire expansion. Several premium races simply make no sense and would be breaking lore. (Klingons come to mind, as do Ferengi)
To add here: Bug/Oversight: The shuttles left in the bay of the crashed science ship have no name on the hull. As all the TOS shuttles were named, a few couldn't go amiss here.
Okay heres my things so far! Feedback up to the current game-breaking bug where cannot equip phaser rifle: 1) I really enjoyed the cinematic and introduction. It's looking great. 2) Personal shields are not invented. There can be NO exception here, we need to do away with personal shields for the entire TOS arc. Perhaps,…
And just like that, I lost interest in this expansion. You can't sell something as 'levelless' and then go 'Oh, but after level 50 it stops leveling with you'
Well, this has been monetized VERY poorly hasn't it? Faction specific smaller packs with exclusives would have gotten more sales. As is? I will just be buying the ship i like, and that'l be that. Theres nothing exclusive in there that is worth having, a title is just words on the page and the duty officers are just duty…
This is actually a really cool idea. I am not so sure what i would fly though, Id have to completely build up a new ship for this but it'd be fun to play against the borg and...have a fight that lasts awhile with tension. im @Kitsunami in game, add me :)
Hi devs! thanks for your response :) I appreciate it. I see, I understand that. Someday i hope we will see interiors with function, therefore, resulting in more full ship interiors. I would be quite happy with more bridges though as well! I really hope to see a Miranda Refit bridge someday, and the excelsior <3