"We have learned a lot over the course of making the Legacy of Romulus update and have spent the last couple of months reviewing your feedback and addressing issues that were introduced with the expansion. It is great to have such an active community that is willing to share their opinions and even email us directly about…
You have said that Romulans will not have there own fleets in the upcoming expansion. But can we have the option to make a Fed or KDF fleet (of the respective faction one has joined)with the ability to toggle whether or not non-Romulans can join a fleet created by a Romulan? This would allow people to feel like the…
Do you have any plans to fix the season 7 glitches? Such as when you character log you can lose fleet chat but can still read it, even when that char isn't in that fleet? And I had a fleet member who accidentally started a project because his client was lagfging before crashing. Any word on fixing the lag and the high…
Must admit I'm loving the embassy. So I must ask if we're going to be seeing more faction spefic embassies in the future? I figure if we're going to have another embassy it might be cardy but that would still be interesting to see.
If you ever dealed with my fleet you'd understand. Put simply they need a visual tutorial where it shows them exactly where to go and what to put into the fleet. These are the kind of members that don't even know how to beam out into space until someone it explains it a million times. It really is pitiful... (Note: I might…
Well I have a fleet with over 100 (maybe 200) members. Problem is most of them have no clue how to contribute or anything. Any chance you can make a tutorial (in game one) as to how to contribute? Oh and one more thing; it seems like my members are contributing more to the Embassy than the Starbase. I gonna blame it on how…
Now that you pretty much killed getting dilithium from the foundry in under a minute can you guys at the very least give players daily dilithium for logging on. Maybe something like a vice admiral who is a silver player will get 480 dilithium for logging on and a gold VA will get 960?
Honestly I think you should a dilithium lockbox to balence out the shortage of dilithium these days. Maybe some of those lockboxes would have more than others? I don't know but we really need a higher availability of dilithium.
Last "Ask Cryptic" you hinted that the Romulan faction can be considered storyline. Does that mean we'll finally be seeing that faction next major update? And if we do will the Romulan fleets have starbases already or will we have to wait for another update to see Romulan starbases?
With Season 6 about to come out there must be ideas on what Season 7 will hold. Will Season 7 contain the long awaited Romulan and Cardassian factions and will the Iconians finally be making an appearance after all this time?