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What is the Arc Client?
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flanders4212 Arc User



  • Character: Sedryn@Flanders42 Ship: U.S.S. Nova Scorpio (This ship has no saved loadouts.) Ability: Entire power tray effected Problem: majority of powers are unslotted, remainder are scrambled. Occurs at EVERY transition in space. Beaming to ground, from ground, map transition, doesn't matter.
  • OOOOoooo...must complete my mirror universe ship collection :D
  • I'm now having this same issue. I previously was not, but this has started occurring ever since I installed STO via Steam. EDIT: This thread is almost 3 years old! :eek: Please don't reply to threads that are over 30 days old, if you have the same problems please post in a new thread. ~ Askray
  • YAY! Happy Anniversary STO! Been on here since open beta and I still enjoy the games. Sure there are some annoyances *cough* cost of ships on c-store *cough* but I do love the game and still get friends interested enough to try it. Here's to 3 years and hopefully many more to come!