I have this error now as well. Thought it was just the flying high but all the issues mentioned here I have too. I submitted a ticket for the flying high bug. Should I also submit one for the bank issue?
The mission on Risa will not show the courses and when the mission time runs out and you return the event giver it will not clear. Says you already have the mission and you can't drop it. The bank is also locked it seems can't save credits to the account bank. Ticket submitted. Anyone else having these issues?
Also to remove the system and revert back to what we had before is not very smart. Why? Because sometimes we would end up with weird issues -costly weird issues for some. For example back in 2013 I had two ships that disappeared from my account after deleting ONE weapon. Simply gone. Pfft. Almost like the ship was tied to…
Also to remove the system and revert back to what we had before is not very smart. Why? Because sometimes we would end up with weird issues -costly weird issues for some. For example back in 2013 I had two ships that disappeared from my account after deleting ONE weapon. Simply gone. Pfft. Almost like the ship was tied to…
There is a trick that can be used to hopefully get the loadout system to work 100% of the time. Granted it may or may not succeed it can be worth a try if it really causing that much trouble. Don't remember who showed it to me but glad they did for so far it has never failed. Unless I miss one of the following steps: 1st:…
I don't remember the guy who showed it to me but there is a trick to get the Loadout system to work 100% of the time. Ground or space no matter and so far at least it has worked for me without fail. Though if I miss or jump a step the issues do rear the ugly head. I will give it to you here and now and you can try it if…
Seriously Cryptic? This is your best idea for an April Fools joke? If you end up ever making this real then you are literally out of ALL ideas. It has been done before in Star Trek Voyager -not an episode that anyone I know who is a Star Trek fan around here really even cared about. Now put this in the 14th millennium AD…
Yep and mine has four timeouts... Not to mention 15 minutes just to get past login screen -I got a 3mb connection SUE me! Forget calling it rubberbanding... for it so bad now that I going to call it LAG WARP!.... lot less to say than rubberbanding.
Or again use the ID/ID:R franchise aliens. Not only do they already partially match the description but are also a species that has personal, ship shields, mind control and may have technology comparable to the Federation... or maybe they are a bit more advanced with the eating the molten cores of planets and such.
Yes. It is from ID2/ID:R also known as Independence Day: Resurgence. A movie that is slow to start and after the first 10 minutes best be skipped to 50 minutes or so in and continue to the end from there.
Well though Alien is a nice thought I highly doubt it. That head is too elongated to be an accurate description -if "Moving Shadows" is an accurate description... What follows is more likely true due to the line from "Moving Shadows": "A broad head, like some kind of flattened oval with horns...": So obviously it takes…
Had this as well: http://img802.imageshack.us/img802/6707/cse2.jpg Found a possible fix: Try updating the graphics driver to version 331.82 Did so and it went away and has of yet to return.
Another option for this, though need to time it right when activating. Have your character or one of your boffs (I manually selected the power) place a turret right in front of the camera. It works.
Hmmm... yes it is simple.....:rolleyes:......UNTIL you factor in the EIGHT extra dimensions and all of their particles future past and present!!!!!!! !:mad::mad::mad:
I would like to know where this has been addressed as well. I find it irritating that all I can do now is stf's as a dps shooter and not a healer..... or just plain running foundry missions alone.
This is indeed not good and I find myself in the precarious situation of just running foundry missions from this point on. If I can't help and heal others in stf's via mouse then there is no point. I am sorry but the function method will not work for me. I have a rather unusual setup -after four MMO's I find it is the best…
Just do the single sectors and rinse and repeat. More profitable that way. There are also some tricks though that can even speed that up. Unless you are going for the trait- then I am at loss.
Task Force Spectre is the most superb fleet that I have had the pleasure of working with as well as being a recent inductee member. Starbase construction on both the FED and KDF sides is way beyond phenomenal. I salute everyone in their hard work and the effort that everyone gives in helping this fleet. I am humbly proud…