damn!!! And i get this in error.log 161019 21:52:23 3 [1]: Launcher PCL Error The connection was idle for too long 161020 05:23:09 1 [1] ESC : Unrecognized command: track trans_id:1026a4ca56f0b6454747540c5cfb4f\nUnknown command \qtrack\q. 161020 05:23:09 2 [1] ESC : Unrecognized command: track offer_id:226\nUnknown command…
I'm it profesionall... playing only this game and got NEW laptop just for this game. It crashes.. I found the code for corecting dx11 error on microsoft support site,devs didn't i guess... but hey i do not code this application. Worked fine on my win 8.1 before season 10. I tried everything (even some things not in this…