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felderburg Arc User



  • I play as an engineer, and I definitely targeted some of my turrets as enemies. I couldn't see what power actually did that, or if it was a confuse effect on me and not the turrets at all.
  • This was a great episode, and I loved the return of Hugh. I especially liked that his tricorder at the end used Romulan graphics (even if Picard is not canonical to STO).
  • I 100% agree with this. I get that old skins may be too 'old' or 'low-poly' for the team's standards, but I don't see a real *need* to remove them. Huh, I never thought it was a forcefield. It's always been glass to me. The old one has a hex-pattern that I always thought was meant to represent glass panels.
  • The article says if you use PayPal (and other vendors), you earn an "extra bonus". Is that just a poorly worded way of saying the normal 20% a second time? Or should there be more in addition to the 20% mentioned?
  • I was able to log in using just my twitch account, which has been tied to this promotional site for a long time.
  • I generally try to get side objectives, and I've found that typically there's a mix in TFOs. Many side objectives can be completed just by killing everything very fast; Forged in Fire is relatively unique in that the secondary objective is going to click on glowies, which is usually a main objective timegate. And in many…
  • I actually recently purchased a steelseries headset, so I happen to have the app. I was able to get a code today, in the US. Thanks for the heads up!
  • Remember that the STO wiki is now at https://stowiki.net/ per https://www.arcgames.com/en/forums/startrekonline#/discussion/1269873/the-new-star-trek-online-wiki. You can replace the "sto.fandom.com" with "stowiki.net" in any old wiki URLs. https://stowiki.net/wiki/Uniform
  • I do think the general idea of a race that has no conept of distinguishing realities is indeed cool, and perhaps not a shortcoming. However, it was explicitly stated that they view the Terran Empire and the Federation as part of the same group, and that actions against Tholians in one dimension could start a war with…
  • I don't think was addressed after you asked it, but sometimes the current event or one of the endeavors might direct a player to certain content that they don't like. Or maybe they want to challenge themselves and try to get better.
  • You could always invite some kindhearted moneybags to your fleet temporarily. Barring that, the energy credits shouldn't be too much of an issue if you buy keys, as stated, or happen to get lucky with a good lockbox ship. I would actually suggest grinding the summer lohlunaut currency. Even during the event it sells pretty…
  • But actors get residuals when the shows are aired again, and their likenesses are subject to approval in things like games and comics.
  • Kind of ignoring some of the posts here to avoid spoilers... but if STO is now its own thing (as it always should have been) does that mean we can restore The Path to 2409 as the definitive course of events leading up to STO? S1 of Picard muddled things a bit.
  • I mean, it's hard to gloss over the differences from The Path to 2409, given that it used the Countdown (to the 2009 movie) comics as its story for what happened to Romulus, and the entire arc of AI rights through The Path being generally at odds with what we saw in Picard S1. But as paradox says, we'll see what happens…
  • If you mean something like the Chimera/Manticore, I recall using it just fine the last time BatBS was included in an event. I'll give it a go again, though, since it's my main ship.
  • Hasn't this been in the game since Into the Hive was revamped? Anyways, I thought there were some activatable traits that removed holds or controls. Certainly https://sto.fandom.com/wiki/Trait:_Absolute_Candor looks like it would work against this; for some reason I thought stubborn was activatable, but I guess I'm…
  • It does not. The actual cold war didn't give us a hot war directly between USSR and USA ("directly" because there were proxy wars, to be sure, but The Cold War did not get hot).
  • Did they say that? I would love to see confirmation of this, because current evidence is that they will try to jam STO into the prime universe however they can, despite it already being entirely incompatible. STO is already an alternate timeline, and Cryptic needs to just own that fact.
  • I ran the TFO for the first time yesterday, via the event window. We ran through those 2 so fast that their dialog was still playing over the final 'mission complete' dialog. It's possible the other people on my team already knew what to do, but I didn't really get the impression that anything in the TFO was overly…
  • I really like this idea, because I strongly dislike playing things more than once.
  • This just happened to me. It seems that if you equip the rifle in any way that isn't following the pop up tooltip, it bugs. This also isn't new; it's at least 6 years old: https://steamcommunity.com/app/9900/discussions/0/412447331652398390/
  • The forums are currently looking terrible for me. There's not enough lines dividing things, and the box that I'm currently typing in isn't a "box" at all, just one more part of the grey background that happens to have "Leave a Comment" floating above it. Also, there's two versions, the…
  • Yes, this is exactly what I mean. A buried option that defaults to off, except for one day a year when it is on and has the HUD button to turn it off.
  • I'm not sure I like that... he already lost his original name in the first tutorial revamp, and now his sacrificial death is being changed to being assimilated? I suppose it's technically closer to the first tutorial, when the bridge crew was "targeted" by the Borg, but why not just make a new captain?
  • I think the metrics are far more skewed because of the nature of the events. People are going to play whatever gets them through 20 days of doing the exact same thing as fast as possible, and that means fast combat-oriented TFOs.
  • It is a little weird. I think if you have a Discovery-era character, their tutorial has a bit more... but I honestly don't remember. After 12 years, some parts of the game assume you were around for when content was released, which gives you a meta-knowledge necessary to understand some arcs...
  • I really like that some of the doors have fun jokes, just like the show. Found two so far (turbolift control and an atrium)... anyone else seen any? I assume that's to let people know that you can mass salvage items from that window, which has been a feature for a while. I'll say. I shouted out loud when I saw it. Not sure…
  • I mean, as unique as every other character playing through the exact same storyline :p
  • What's the story there? The librarian and the fortune teller are in love or whatever, what's the corpse's deal?
  • Yeah, right after I posted this I got the librarian guy's thing. Still haven't been to the spiders. What happens there, you just kill a giant spider, or what?